A Sledding Romance

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"I...don't think this is a good idea, Shah," Aiden started to say as Aru beckoned him over.

"C'mon!" Aru whined. "It'll be fun!"

Somehow, Aru had convinced her boyfriend to go sledding with her. He was fine with it - but when Aru suggested they go on the same sled, he turned hesitant.

"One of us is going to fall off," he warned. "And I don't want you to get hurt."

Aru pouted innocently.

Sighing, Aiden sat behind Aru on their deep green sled. "Fine. But only once." Aru grinned in triumph.

Aru sat in the front as Aiden settled behind her. Compared to the frosty air of winter, his breath was warm and tickled her ear. She hoped he couldn't see her face because she turned bright pink. He leaned closer and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Scared, Ammamma?"


Aru, smiling to herself, pushed their sled to the edge of the hill. Then she promptly gave it a small little push and down the hill they went.

Wind rushed past her, the exhilaration bursting like a balloon with too much helium. She laughed into the gentle flurries, and the sound echoed through the snow-piled pine trees on the horizon.

A few bumps jolted her out of a trance. As their sled tumbled over rocks and lumps of hardened snow, it tilted to the left at a dangerous angle...

"Oh, shit," Aiden muttered under his breath.

Another rock of snow had Aru flying into the air. For one blissful moment, she felt like a bird, but the next she was tangled with Aiden in the snow.


She was tangled with Aiden in the snow.

He was half on top of her, half buried in the snow. But his face was only inches away from hers. His cheeks were pink from the chilly winter winds. The only sound now was their breaths, syncing like melodious harmonies. Soon, their heartbeats slowed to match one another, the beat like a steady drum.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

"Told you so," Aiden whispered obnoxiously, before covering her mouth with his.

Although it was freezing outside, his mouth was warm. It burned the cold away, setting her on fire. His kisses were gentle but insistent. Aru pressed her cold hands to his face, bringing him closer.

After a few long moments, Aiden pulled away, resting his forehead on hers. Aru grinned as she drowned in his eyes.

"Wanna do that again?"

"Why not?"

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