The Final Blow

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Aiden and Aru not ending up together? I gotchu-


"I...I choose Kara."


A boiling rage bubbled up in me like a volcano waiting to burst. I went through the stages of grief all at once. 

Denial: no. No, this can't be happening. After all I've done for him-

Anger: How could he? I swear, I'm gonna punch some fucking sense into that kid, turns out he has none at all!

Bargaining: what if I fed him lies about her? Would that bring him back? Gods, I'll do anything - anything, to get him back, just- please-

Depression: This is the end. I'll be a disappointment, I'll turn into a nobody. Hell, I already am a nobody.

And acceptance: If he didn't choose me, it's his loss. He doesn't deserve me anyhow, and I'll still find a way to save the world before I die.

But I'd like to add one more.


I lunge forward in a spin, whirling Vajra into his true, powerful form. But it's not in Aiden's direction, though I want to make him hurt like I am. I look Suyodhana in the eye, saying a silent sorry.

I'm sorry I couldn't bring you back.

I'm sorry you had to leave my mom.

I'm sorry you won't live to see me grow up, your little girl shining like the brightest star in the morning sky.

I'm sorry.

I plunge my weapon into my father's heart, furious tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. He falls into the sand with a sickening thump. I can't bear to look at the sight of my dead father, and I look away, squeezing my eyes shut as a few more tears leak out. 

At least I saved lives before my death. At least I saved my sisters, my mom, the Otherworld.

I turn my fiery gazed towards Aiden. His gaze used to be charming, but now it's a reminder of my foolishness. Of what we could've been. His eyes are cold as ice and unwelcoming. Kara stands at his side, closer than she was before. The sight of their fingers intertwined makes me want to retch.

I want him to hurt. I want to see it on his face. It's a miracle fate has allowed me to live this long. I should've been dead two seconds after Aiden made his choice. 

He wanted to see me dead, helpless. But I proved him wrong. My duty is complete.

"You're just like your father," I whisper into the tainted air.  His eyes widen slightly, and I know I've hurt him. "Congratulations. You've managed to lose someone else."

And with that, I crumple to the ground.

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