Sick Aru

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What's up guys? The oneshot below is written by @ilovepigs123886 and all credit goes to them. We hope you enjoy it!


Aru and Aiden were driving home from school, when they saw a flower garden. "Aiden!! I want to go see the flowers"!! Aru started jumping up and down, and Aiden couldn't resist. "Ok we can go to the garden, I'm texting my mom." Aiden begrudgingly got out his phone and texted his mom. They played in the flower garden for hours. Then it started raining. This wasn't a problem for Aru. Being the daughter of Indra, she loves rain and thunderstorms. Aiden however, doesn't want to get sick. "Aru!! We have to go!!" Aiden started to tell Aru, but stubborn little Aru wanted to play. While Aiden was running to the car, Aru was frolicking and taking her own sweet time. "Aru, Aru, Aru." Aiden mumbled as Aru got into the car. Aiden dropped Aru off and went to his house. The next day he got a message from Aru. 

 Aru: Hey Wifey

       Aiden: Hi Shah 

Aru: So.... I'm not coming to school today.

      Aiden: And why is that? 

Aru: I may or may not have gotten sick.

      Aiden: Aru..... your mom isn't home right? 

Aru: Yea? 

      Aiden: I'm coming over. 

 Before Aru could refuse, and reply to Aiden's text, she heard a ding at the front door. She opened the door to see Aiden, wearing a nice dark blue hoodie and grey sweatpants, with his hair messy, but a good kind of messy, and—— stop thinking about that Aru, he is just your friend. ( A.N. ARU AND AIDEN ARE NOT DAYING YET) "—Ru, Shah? Hello?" That voice shook those thoughts away. Aiden was snapping in front of her face. "Let's go in." Aiden suggested. He took Aru's hand and dragged her to the living room. If Aru wasn't blushing then, she sure was now. Aiden then went into the kitchen and reappeared with popcorn. "I made popcorn, what movie do you want to watch??" Aiden turned towards Aru and asked. "Aiden.... I don't want you to miss school because of me!!" Aru whined and protested. " It's ok.. I told the school and we can make everything up when you are better. Now what movie!!" Aiden reassured and asked her. They ended up binging Lord of the Rings for the whole day.

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