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Hi guys!

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all of you, it's been such a fun journey. And with a heavy heart, I'm going to mark this book as complete.

I LOVE Aru and Aiden, and I love bringing their love to life for you all. But I've been thinking about other fandoms recently, and I have lots more ideas in mind for you, my readers.

Thank you so much for your support on this story! As always, keep commenting and voting on the ones you like and never hesitate to give me any feedback. And follow me for updates on books!

Once again, thank you for being with me on this journey, my first fanfiction. I LOVE YOU ALL! Before I go, though, here's one last one for you.

- Rith


My ankle hurt. So did my knee, and my arm. My head hurt as well.

Basically, everything hurt.

Aiden and I kept at it; I parried his blows, he blocked mine. His chocolate eyes bore into mine as he stared at me with a challenge. My legs burned with every step. Vajra sparked to life in my hands. Aiden whirled his scimitars around. Now, we circled each other.

"C'mon, Shah," Aiden encouraged me, panting. In my mind, I thought: snob.

"When are you gonna stop calling me that?" I asked with a smile, exasperated. He shook his head playfully.

"When you change it."

"What? What do you mean?"

He laughed. "When you change it to Acharya."


My heart stopped. I blinked a few times. My gaze flicked to his lips, full and entirely kissable in the fading sunlight. His curls, unruly, bounced as he took a step forward.

Before I knew it, Aiden had me pinned to the wall with one scimitar, the other against my neck.

"I think I win," he whispered, his face only inches away from mine. Vajra turned into a bracelet again as I pulled him in. Aiden kissed me back hard, my shoulder blades digging into the wall behind me. He tasted of strawberries, the sweet kind. My knees weakened as he smiled against my mouth, butterflies fluttering wildly in my stomach. Pressing a quick kiss to my nose, he rested his forehead against mine.

"Was that your way of proposing to me?" I asked, grinning.

"You wish," he replied, cutting me off with another brush of his lips.

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