Cookies and Songs

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Aiden was good at singing. But Aru hadn't known that he was this good.

After baking some cookies - they came out miraculously good - Aru decided to take some over to Aiden's. She rang the doorbell, expecting her boyfriend to open the door, but instead, Malini greeted her with a warm smile. 

"Aiden's in his room," she said with a knowing smile. Aru grinned back.

"Want a cookie, Aunty?" she asked, holding one out. Malini accepted it, gazing fondly at her son's girlfriend. "Thanks, beti," she said, sitting back down on the couch. Aru grinned wider and ascended up the stairs to Aiden's room.

Upstairs, the scent of warm chai wafted up her nose, and she sighed - she loved Aiden's house; it was so comfy, unlike her pristine house-slash-museum. As she opened the door to his room, she stopped dead in her tracks.

He was singing.

She had heard someone singing before, but she'd assumed that Aiden was blasting some songs on his phone. But here he was, standing in front of his window, pouring his heart out through the song lyrics from Easy on Me by Adele.

But I can't bring myself to swim
When I am drowning in this silence
Baby, let me in

Go easy on me, baby

I was still a child
Didn't get the chance to
Feel the world around me
I had no time to choose
What I chose to do
So go easy on me...

Aru stared him, jaw dropped. She began to sway to the steady sound of his deep, luxurious voice. He looked so tranquil that Aru smiled slightly leaning against the doorframe. His hands moved to the rhythm of the beat. His voice sounded rich and beautiful, almost ethereal. Brown glossy curls fell over his closed eyes, and a violet light engulfed him like a spotlight.

Suddenly, the cookie tray she was holding bumped into the doorframe. Aru winced as Aiden whirled around. 

"Aru?" He asked, startled. "How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to know that your voice is just so damn good," Aru replied. "That was...that was..." she racked her brain for a good word. "Magical," she said finally. "That was magical."

Aru strode over to him with the tray and pressed a slow, gentle kiss against his lips. She felt him grin and meet her halfway.


Let me explain real quick:

In India, "Aunty" doesn't necessarily meant "aunt". When used to address someone else's mother, it's a term of respect.

Anyway, thanks so much for reading this far!!!! Love ya'll!


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