The Battle

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I slashed at a rakshasa in front of me. Blood spattered on my clothes, on Vajra, but I turned away from its collapsing body and faced another one.

Aiden was fighting just as hard as me. Beads of sweat poured down his forehead. The front of his black hoodie was wet with perspiration. He was a blur of action as he fought viciously against the demons.

I probably shouldn't have gotten distracted by him.

As I pried my attention from Aiden's lean build to the rakshasa's face, I felt something tear at my side, just above my hip.


I screamed, my voice ragged as my knees buckled. I waved Vajra around desperately, slitting a demon's throat. My brain fogged up as it tried to keep me standing.

My knees couldn't hold out any longer. I fell to the dirt, and dust rose above me from the impact of my fall. My hands, sticky with blood, were planted against the solid ground to ease my dizzy mind. Vajra buzzed beside me, urging me to get up. But I couldn't.

I screamed again, this time longer. My throat burned. My voice felt hoarse. 

Suddenly, the rakshasas around me vanished. They fell to the ground, their gray eyes lifeless. My breathing became more labored as I gulped in mouthfuls of air. Aiden stood over me, whispering my name is if it was is most prized possession. The intimacy in his gaze left me breathless.

"Touch her, and you're dead," Aiden warned menacingly. He too breathed heavily, and he practically shone with power. His eyes blazed with a raw hatred I had never seen in him before.

"You really can't imagine the things I'm capable of," Suyodhana responded.

"You don't intimidate me. Cut the act."

My brows furrowed. This was a whole different side of him than the Aiden I knew. 

I heard the thumps of footfalls behind me. Mini and Brynne ran up to stand beside Aiden. They cast concerned glances at me, and I smiled weakly. From my peripheral vision, I saw Nikita, Sheela, and Hira sneaking up behind the Sleeper.

"You know what?" Aiden said with a smirk. He floated off the ground, a purple light engulfing him. The Sleeper raised an eyebrow.

"I think it's showtime."

And with those words, all hell broke loose.

Brynne sent a powerful gust of wind, momentarily stunning Suyodhana. Nikita summoned a bunch of poisonous vines. Mini conjured a-

I couldn't see anything. My vision went black. I groaned and rolled onto my side, the one without the gash. Blood poured out like a waterfall from my right side.

"I can take her!" Mini yelled, grunting from the effort of a shield.

"No, you stay - they need you," Aiden called back. He ran to me, his scimitars turning back into leather bands. Scooping me up in one swift move, he carried me to a small clearing behind a large boulder. Laying me against the rock, he cupped my face with both of his hands, forcing me to look into his eyes.

"Nothing's going to happen to you Shah," he vowed fiercely. "I promise. Just- just stay with me." His voice broke off. Then he took off his hoodie and wrapped it tight around my waist. I yelped as he tied it with a secure knot. When I looked up at him, silent tears rolled down his face. His eyes were broken, like shattered glass.

He tore off a square of his black shirt, using it to wipe my forehead, my arms, my face. He tilted my face up, swiping at the grime on my cheeks and nose. Suddenly, he froze, his gaze running over my entire face. He stared at me for one, two, three seconds. After a moment, he turned crimson and ducked his head, continuing to clean me up.

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