Autumn is DA BEST (Aru says)

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Hey folks! Not one of my best since I'm on a time crunch, but here it is!

"Autumn is obviously the better season!" Aru argued.

"Autumn is basically the season of dying leaves," Aiden pointed out.

Brynne and Mini looked back and forth between the two as they fired arguments like it was a ping-pong match. Aru crossed her arms and glared ferociously at her boyfriend.

"In autumn, there's pumpkin everything and nicer weather!" Aru said. Aiden tried to hold back a smile as she proved her point.

"Listen, Shah, it's not that deep-"

"No, you listen! Autumn is not just the season of dying leaves. It's when they change color, and people all over the world go sightseeing to see it. It's peaceful, it's relaxing, it represents change and beauty - what else could you ask for? Also, it's very aesthetic. You can't tell me that summer beats all of that."

Aru looked up and grinned triumphantly to find Aiden gazing at her fondly, a smile now evident on his face.

"What?" She demanded. Aiden shook his head slowly.

"Nothing. Just thinking about you beautiful you are."

Aru flung a pillow at him, but he dodged it. She looked away to hide her flaming face.

Brynne groaned. "Just kiss already!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up. Mini hid a smile with her hand.

When the daughter of Vayu looked up again, Aiden was grinning against Aru's lips.

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