That's My Girl

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Aru and Aiden entered the school building, their arms linked. As Aiden fussed with Shadowfax, Aru smiled and gazed at him, captivated by him. Only when he looked up and caught her staring did Aru blush. But she didn't look away. All of a sudden, the space between them became too little, and Aru's eyes widened. Aiden smirked went back to fiddling with his camera.

"...kind of weird," Aru heard as she walked by a gang of girls. "C'mon - why would Aiden Acharya be dating that girl?"

Aiden must've heard it too because he looked at her, both brows raised. She grinned back.

"That girl can hear you, you know," Aru commented, turning back to the girls. Poppy - her former friend - was at the center, and all of her other friends surrounded her. Poppy shrugged innocently, glancing at Aiden.

"If you two are actually dating, prove it," She demanded. Her smile was sly and evil. "Show us."

Before Aru knew it, Aiden was pulling her in, one hand on her waist and the other cupping her jaw. His lips crashed onto hers, the touch electrifying. This kiss was sweet, like their previous ones, but it was something else too - hungry. Their lips moved in sync, and Aru felt him smile against her mouth. 

It ended too soon. Aiden pulled back and faced the girls, his face posing a challenge.

"Just because you can't get a boyfriend doesn't mean you have to take it out on mine, Poppy," Aru said menacingly. Her former friend's face twisted in rage.

From behind her, Aru heard, "That's my girl."


Sorry about this short one, guys! I'm on a time crunch so I had to write this as quickly as possible. Thanks so, SO much for reading this far!!!

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