Missed You

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I tapped my foot impatiently. Around me, people of all ages strolled passed me with their luggage. Scanning my eyes across the airport, I frowned. Where was he?

"Calm down, Shah," Brynne thumped me on the back, almost sending me three feet. "He told us the flight was going to be delayed, remember?"

I nodded, but my heart raced like it was doing an entire triathlon. Butterflies swirled in my stomach. I licked my lips just as Mini placed a hand on my shoulder, and then-


A bush of brown, glossy hair stood out from the crowd. He shined amongst the other people at the airport - at least to me. My breaths turned shallow as he raked a hand through his curls, playing with the strings of his hoodie.

My eyes followed him while he took his headphones out and looked up, running his eyes over the large crowd. Willing him to look my way, I stood on my toes eagerly.

He took a step forward with his suitcase, his eyes locked on mine. My lips parted. The corners of his lips turned up in a charming, mischievous way while his eyes light up like lanterns. And looking into them, gorgeous and passionate, I couldn't help falling for him all over again.

I broke into a run, Mini shouting something at me. Everything in the world fell away, Aiden becoming the only person in my focus. He let go of his suitcase and took a few steps in my direction.

I launched myself into his arms, wrapping my arms tight around his neck, smashing my lips onto his. Gripping my waist, he met me with the same fire, his kiss longing and tender and everything good. My back tingled at the place where he his rested, and I shivered involuntarily. He grinned and held me tighter.

"I missed you," I whispered against his lips. In his arms I felt safe. Wanted. Loved.

"I missed you too," he answered, gently kissing me again. "So much."


Hi guys! I know it's short, but I wanted to write something simple and sweet for you all. Hope it wasn't too bad! Just to clear things up, this scene takes place when Aiden (hypothetically) would come back from college to visit. Once again, thank you so much for reading this far!!! Love you guys!

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