Birthday Kisses

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You'd think that you'd be allowed in your own house on your birthday. But apparently, that wasn't the case.

Brynne had officially confined Aru to her room with Nikita. 

"But it's my birthday!" Aru had whined. "I'm allowed to do whatever I want!"

"Your job is to look pretty and enjoy yourself," Brynne had said like only an older sister could. 

So Aru had given in and gotten ready for her sixteenth birthday.

Aru admired herself in the mirror, twirling around, oohing and aahing at Nikita's handiwork. For her birthday, Nikki had provided her with a black dress, as dark as the night sky, dusted with silver glitter that flickered in and out of existence under the light. It was an off-the-shoulder dress, so her shoulders were exposed, and it was a little above knee-length. Her sister had also curled her hair and braided some of it back to keep it out of her face. Then, Nikki conjured a pair of stunning black heels. And with a swipe of lipstick and some mascara, she was done.

"Nikki..." Aru said, holding back tears. She squeezed her little sister tight. "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you, you're the best." Nikita smirked, and Aru promptly narrowed her eyes. "And don't let that get to your head."

"You're welcome. And also-" Nikki stood on her toes, whispering into Aru's ear. "-go get your man." 

Aru was certain that her face was engulfed in flames.

"He's not my-" she started to argue. But Nikki shoved her towards the door.


With a glare, Aru turned on her heel and took a deep breath, opening the door.


Aiden was just leaning against the table when he heard the click of Aru's door.

Words failed him.

She descended elegantly, like a queen readying herself for coronation. Her head was adorned by a glittering tiara, and her shoulders were bare, exposed my the off-the-shoulder dress that she rocked. Her heels clicked and clacked against the stairs, and her obsidian black hair had been braided back, like a half-up-half-down hairdo. As a few strands of hair fell in front of her face, she blew them away - looking incredibly adorable while doing so (Aiden pushed that thought away). Her lips glowed deep red, and she glanced at him through her lashes as he fiddled with Shadowfax. To put it simply, she looked stunning.

Suddenly, the thought of her being in a six-feet-radius of him was a little overwhelming. 

"Stay there!" He called out. "I'll take a picture." She stopped near the bottom of the stairway and leaned against the banister, smiling sweetly. He lifted his camera to snap a picture of her, then quickly added it to the album dedicated to photos of her. Gazing at the photo, he realized that this wasn't the awkward, insecure girl he'd met a few years ago on a quest; this was the beautiful, self-confident young woman that she'd grown into. 

The scents of vanilla and cinnamon wafted up his nose as Brynne came over from the kitchen, carrying Aru's birthday cake. "Close your mouth," she teased as she entered the room. "You'll catch flies." Aiden snapped his mouth shut, shooting a glare at his best friend. In return, he got a knowing grin. Brynne retreated back into the kitchen.

Turning back to Aru, he said in a low voice, "You look great." Aru suddenly seemed interested in the banister, running her hand across its smooth surface.

"Thanks," she answered quietly. "You too. Wait-" She widened her eyes incredulously.

"Aiden Acharya? Wearing a dress shirt?"

Aiden glanced down, smiling slightly. "Courtesy of Nikita."


Aiden Acharya. Wearing a dress shirt. 

Her day couldn't have gotten any stranger.

She smirked. "It suits you. You should wear them more often," she commented, blushing furiously.

"I could say the same for you," Aiden replied. "That dress. You look..." 

"Fine?" Aru guessed. Aiden winced.

"No. You look beautiful."

Aiden was now only a few feet away from her. And sure, she was aware of Brynne's watchful eyes from the kitchen, and Mini's gaze from the couch, decorating the walls with balloons. But for now, she chose to focus on what was in front of her.

Aiden took a few steps forward, closing the distance between them. And cupping her face with on hand, he brushed his lips tentatively against her own for six long, pleasant seconds. Aru felt herself melting, her knees weakening. She made a small noise of surprise and pleasure inside her throat, and Aiden took that as an invitation, kissing her once more, then pulling away. He gazed at her, too many emotions expressed in his eyes; love, sadness, happiness, and so much more.

"Happy birthday, Aru," he whispered, his voice rich and low.

Oh my gosh!!!  Brynne screamed through the mind link, ruining the moment. It's happening!!

That's a lot of germs, Mini commented, almost disappointedly.

Will you stop with your germophobia for two seconds, please?  Brynne demanded. Out of the corner of her eye, Aru saw Mini shrug with a smile.

Aiden was still staring at her, waiting for her to say something.

Or, waiting for her to make a move.

So she did.

Standing on her toes, Aru wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. She felt him smile and kiss her back, pulling her closer with both arms on her waist.

"Thanks," she whispered, quiet enough so that no one could hear except Aiden.

In response, Aiden kissed her again.

Oh my gods guys, 885 WORDS! That's the longest oneshot I've written yet!! The ending is meh, but overall, I like it! Also, Aiden in a dress shirt-


Hope ya'll liked this one, because I sure enjoyed writing it!

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