Otherworld Dance (Part 2)

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Aiden wove his way through the crowded room, looking for his friends. He spotted Brynne first and walked over to her.

"Hey, Ammamma," she greeted him. "I didn't think you'd come!"

"Yeah, well..." He sighed. "Have you seen-"

"Your girlfriend's over there arguing with Rudy over whether ketchup is a topping or a dip," Brynne said easily. Aiden's face turned beet red.

"She's- she's not-"

"Yes, but she will be. Now go!" She shoved him in Aru's direction, and Aiden ran an hand through his hair before talking to her.

"Ketchup is not a topping! For the thousandth time!" Aru threw her hands up exasperatedly. Rudy crossed his arms. 

"Dipping your fries in ketchup is a crime!"

"Okay, Mister I-know-everything-because-I'm-a-naga-prince, who's lived in the human world longer: me, or you?" Aru held her head high.


Aru whirled around at the sound of his face, and her eyes widened. For the dance, she wore a ghagra: a velvety navy blue blouse and a skirt to match, embroidered with stars. She looked like the night sky had come alive. Lightning earrings hung on her ears, and her neck was adorned by a simple chain. On her wrist were blue bangles to match her outfit, and her heels made her seem taller.

"Can we talk?" He asked. Aru nodded as Rudy slunk away with a knowing smile and two finger guns.

Aiden ignored it.

Aru crossed her arms like Rudy had. "What do you want?" She demanded.

"Listen, Aru," he started, using her first name for once. "I'm sorry. I screwed up, I know. I just-" Aiden pulled at his hair. "I like you Shah. Not only because of your looks, but because you're so bold and smart and willing to do anything for your friends. Because you're kind and would sacrifice yourself for any one of us.

"Can you- can you give us chance?"

Aru reached up and took his hand. "You're going to be bald if you keep doing that, you know?" She commented softly. Exactly like she had a few years ago, on her birthday. 

"Is that a yes?"

"Does this answer your question?"

Aru brought his head down and captured his lips with hers, and he pulled her closer as he snaked his arms around her hips. She met him with the same intensity, their lips moving in sync. She cupped his face with both hands.

It ended as quickly as it started. She put her forehead on his.

"I think I owe you a dance," Aiden said against her lips, breathless and giddy.

"Heck you do!" Aru pulled him to the dance floor and put her arms around his neck. He secured both hands on her waist. They swayed to the slow music. Aiden's breath caught in his throat as he twirled Aru around, her laughter so light and delicate.

He couldn't help thinking that he was the luckiest guy alive, to have Arundhati Shah as his girlfriend.

Brynne was right, he thought to himself as he pulled Aru back into the warmth of his embrace. And as she smiled at him through her dark lashes, he couldn't resist ducking his head and pressing his lips against hers.

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