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Aiden looked out the window with Shadowfax in hand, watching his mother tend to their garden. She looked peaceful and at rest, and he could never resist seeing that look of contentment on his mother's face. He could always tell when she was feeling happy or not - the crease between her brows disappeared when something heavy wasn't on her mind. Aiden smiled to himself, satisfied with the thought of his mother being happy again. It was weird, the crease not being there when it was for so long. But Aiden loved seeing her look and feel so young again.

His thoughts shifted to his friends - the Pandavas of their generation, his extremely-annoying-yet-important cousin, and a rakshasa - a good one - they'd all befriended on their second quest. He thought about Mini, probably hunched over a towering stack of textbooks, catching up on everything they'd all missed at school. Rudy was most likely trying to talk to Mini with no avail. Brynne had texted him earlier, telling him to come over the next morning after she and Hira were done with their triple layered cake. And then...

Then there was Aru.

Aiden hadn't spoken to Aru after the war. At least, not more than a few words. Every time he thought he actually had the courage to say something to her, the words would get all jumbled in his mouth, and nothing would come out. And when that happened, he'd just turn around and walk away.

He wished he would stop doing that. When faced with a problem, he would always walk away. Coward, he thought to himself. I've always been a coward! I can't even talk to one of my best friends about my feelings. And I've kissed her already - twice!

Aiden leaned his head on his hands, fogging up the window. His reflection looked unclear in the glass as he rubbed at it. Just then, something caught his eye - something bright and flashy. Another flash went by; then another, and more after that. He tried to focus on the blurry, fast-moving figure. Suddenly, realization sank in.

It was Aru, dancing in her bedroom with Vajra dazzling brightly on her hand. She looked to be laughing as Aiden caught sight of a taller figure; Aru's mother. Krithika Shah smiled and shook her head at her daughter, but her fond gaze was full of love.

Just then, as Aru twirled - she was a surprisingly good dancer - she stopped, eyes widening, and stared Aiden dead in the eye in shock. Who's the stalker now, Acharya? he scolded himself. Arjuna and Draupadi looked at each other for - how long was it? Thirty seconds? A minute? Aiden had lost track of time. He could feel the heat rising to his face, but found himself unable to look away from Aru's dazzling chestnut eyes as his heart fluttered. Gods, those eyes...

What is wrong with you Acharya?

Aru was first to look away, lowering her hands. A sudden look of defiance crossed her face, guarded and hurt. Aiden felt his cheeks burn in shame; he'd never meant to hurt her. And it was too late to take it back now.

But maybe he could fix it. Maybe.

This is my third oneshot today, but hey - I have lots of free time on my hands :D   Thanks so much for reading this far!!


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