The Battle (Part 3)

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"I think you did that thing where your inside voice becomes your outside voice," Aiden commented awkwardly.


"You said 'welp' out loud."

If my face could get any redder, it did. Aiden chuckled.

A beat of silence. I avoided his gaze, running my eyes over everything in the room. Anything but him.

I wasn't ready to have this talk. I was too confused, and more importantly, I wanted to see my mom. Hear her voice again.

"I...I can't do this right now," I said, fixing my sight on a car outside his window. 


I tilted my head back against the bedframe. "I want to talk to my mom," I whispered, close to tears. When I closed my eyes, I could still picture her easy smiles, her bright twinkling eyes.

Aiden sighed but nodded, taking my phone out of his back pocket. "Here." Then he left the room in a hurry. Relief washed over me like a tidal wave.

With trembling fingers, I dialed my mom's phone number. As I pressed my phone to my ears, my breathing quickened. After a few moments of ringing, she picked up.


"Hey, Ma."

She immediately broke out into choppy sobs, trying to hold it all in.

"Your friends told me it was serious," she sobbed into the phone. "Yamini said the infection was in too deep!"

"I'm fine, Ma," I reassured her. 

Then, taking a deep breath, I started my story.


"I'm so glad you're all right," my mom said once we had finished talking. Her crying had subsided, and she sounded much calmer than before. And for the first time, I realized that the sun had set. Night had fallen. "I booked a flight as soon as I could, beta. I'll see you in four days."

"Love you, beta."

"Love you too, Ma."

I hung up, set the phone on Aiden's bedside table, and let a smile creep onto my face.

Nikki opened the door just as I closed my eyes. In her hand, she clutched two packets of Swedish fish.

I'm pretty sure my eyes turned into little cartoon hearts.

"Hey, Aru," she whispered. "How're you feeling?"

I grinned at her. "Good enough to eat a pack of Swedish fish!" She grinned back and handed me the candy. I pounced upon it like it was prey.

"We're playing truth or dare downstairs," she said with an evil smirk. "You down?"

Well, I didn't have anything better to do...

So why not?

"I'm in."

Short chapter guys, but I think you'll love part four! Stay tuned, and love ya'll!

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