Flour Fight

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I poured the sweet batter into the cake pan. My orange apron and the entire kitchen floor were dusted with flour, As I tapped the pan to smooth over the batter, I felt a sudden warmth behind me. Aiden wrapped his arms around me, placing a gentle kiss on my neck that sent a pleasurable shiver down my spine. He must've noticed because he chuckled, his breath warm against my jaw.

"Hey, Shah."

"Hey." I swiped at my forehead, unconsciously leaning into him.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I grinned - he knew me so well.

"Sure, lemme put this thing in the oven and I'll be right there."

With my baking mitts, I carried the tray over to the oven, leaving Aiden at the counter. My arms burned as I placed it inside. And once I closed the door and turned around-

"Watch out, Shah!"

I yelped as I was drenched in- snow? No, flour. I opened my eyes to find Aiden towering over me, his hand brimming with all-purpose flour.

"Oh, no you didn't," I whispered threateningly. Aiden only smiled coyly. In a flash, I dug both of my hands into the jar of flour and dumped it in his hair, cackling like a maniac. He coughed and swiped some flour from his face, his eyes lighting up.

As I lunged forward to swipe some flour across his cheek, he grabbed the bin and dumped it over me. I screamed and fell forward, colliding with his chest. We both toppled to the ground. But I quickly got up and mussed his hair like he was a child. My own hair was dusted with multiple coats of flour. I smiled and gave him a hand, helping him up, and before I knew it, Aiden had picked me up and placed me on the counter, his face inches away from mine. The only sound in the air was our heavy breathing.

"I like it when you do that," I blurted out.

"Oh yeah?" He replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." My cheeks flushed.

As he let out a loud laugh, I pulled him in by the front of his shirt and smashed my lips upon his. Flour on its own was usually bland, but he made it sweet. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he cupped my face with both his hands.

"We should probably get to watching that movie," he whispered against my lips.

"The movie can wait," I murmured. In response, he pulled me closer by the waist and kissed me again.

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