Dancing in the Rain

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Aru hummed to the song on the radio contentedly as Aiden drove through the rainy streets of Georgia. The sun slowly descended into the pine trees in the distance. Dusk fell while gray-blue clouds gathered overhead, lulling Aru to sleep. The steady beat of rainfall synced with her heartbeat.

"Aiden," she said suddenly. "Stop the car." Looking - adorably - confused, he lifted his foot off the pedal and peeled his hands off of the steering wheel.

"What happened, Shah?" He asked. Aru smiled evilly and opened the door. Aiden sat quietly, still puzzled. As he blinked, his long lashes brushed the smooth skin under his eyes.

Aru shut the door and danced onto the empty street. She noticed the mountains lying on the horizon; the cluster of maple trees a few yards away from her; the love in Aiden's eyes as he shook his head, smiling.

"C'mon!" She insisted, running to him. She took his hands in hers and pulled him into the warm rain, grinning. They stared at each other, simply breathing. Soon, their breaths became harmonies, like a soothing song. Aiden's face was only a few inches away from Aru's. He traced circles in the space between her thumb and pointer finger. Her breath caught in her throat.

"I think I owe you a dance," Aiden whispered, his words barely above a whisper. Without warning, he pulled her in. Aru collided with his chest, breathless.

And then he was stepping away, still holding her hand. Aru laced their fingers together. It felt like a promise, one she was making to herself, that she would never leave this boy. That she would never break his heart.

Aiden twirled her around, and Aru held her face up to the sky, letting warm droplets of rain splatter onto her eyes, her nose, her lips. A delighted giggle rose from her, and her laughter echoed through the pine trees, the strong maple branches, the clouds above her.

Aru was pulled in again, and this time, she was ready. She put both hands on Aiden's chest, their fingers still woven together. Water seeped into her jacket, her shoes, her brain, turning her mind foggy with giddiness. After a beat of breathing in, out, in, out, Aiden bent down and captured her lips with his.

Aru's mind didn't stop. Instead, fireworks burst in her head. Neurons fired rapidly. He tasted like water, like love. Like hope.

Aru unlaced her fingers from Aiden's and gripped the back of his neck, now wet from the rainfall. Running her fingers through his curls, she moved her lips to the rhythm of his. Aru felt two strong hands grip her waist through the fabric of her wet shirt, pulling her even closer. She stood on her toes to press her lips more insistently against his. Aiden smiled against her mouth.

Finally, Aru pulled away. But she kept her hands on Aiden's neck, like he kept his on her waist. She was so close, she could see the flecks of gold and indigo near his pupil. A single raindrop caught on his eyelash like a glittering diamond.

And as she slowly fell victim to his smoldering gaze, she couldn't help falling for him all over again.

Hi guys!!! Like I've said many times before, thank you all so so SO much for reading this far. When I first started on Wattpad last month, I never thought I'd actually get any readers <3   Not gonna lie, this might be my favorite oneshot so far. It's a little short, but who doesn't love a good dance in the rain?

Thanks once again for your support!

- Rith

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