In Which Brynne and Mini are Third-Wheeling

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Aru's POV

We were on a walk. And it was pretty great - Mini kept spouting random facts about the flowers we saw; Brynne kept shapeshifting, an eagle one moment, a deer the next; and Aiden was at my side, our fingers intertwined.

Until I tripped.

I admired the mountains above, vaguely reminding me of Brynne's strength; emotionally and physically. Mini was at my side, her shoulder brushing mine in an I-got-your-back kind of way. I felt a sudden burst of gratitude for my sister. I loved all my soul sisters equally, but there was just that bond between me and Mini that I didn't have with anyone else. 

"Hey, guys!" Brynne turned to look at me. "Race you to that rock!" She motioned towards a large boulder in the distance.

"Oh, you're so on!" I yelled back. Aiden smiled and shook his head, yet complied. Mini shook her head. 

"I'm sitting this one out."

"C'mon," Brynne whined. "Don't be a spoilsport." Looking at Mini's firm expression, though, she let her off the hook.

"Ready, set, go!"

I sprinted towards the boulder, my eyes set on its rough surface. The competitiveness inside me bubbled up, and I smirked at Aiden as I passed him. Brynne was only a few inches in front of me, and we were nearing the rock...

A jolt of energy sent me practically flying past the boulder. "Ha! I wi-"

Before I could complete that sentence, the edges of my black converse hit something hard. I glanced down briefly to see a fault in the road. Uh oh, I thought in my head momentarily.

My arms pinwheeled in a desperate attempt to find my footing, but it was of no use. I shut my eyes. Dad, if you're up there, can you please save me from getting my head cracked open? Appreciate it.

All of a sudden, though, strong arms wrapped around my waist, the small of my back. The touch electrified me, and I shivered ever so slightly. Aiden's handsome face appeared in front of me as he held me in a dip, our breathing the only sound in the crisp, spring air. The tip of Aiden's mouth curved up the tiniest bit as he studied my face - wide eyes, parted mouth, and my baby hairs plastered to my forehead.

Brynne's obnoxious voice called out over Mini's squeals.

"When's the wedding?"

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