The Battle (Part 5)

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I flung the front door open, ignoring Mini and Brynne's desperate calls, and dashed down the stairs, pulling out my phone from my back pocket. I popped in my headphones and pulled up Spotify, turning on some nice, angsty music to help me vent silently. 

My anger never went away. Half of me was furious because Rudy had even dared to ask that question. The other half was just confused though.

What was going on between me and Aiden?

He's been giving me mixed signals. First, he told me I looked "fine." Then, he kissed me. After that, he decided to avoid me, often leaving the room when I entered it. 

And a few days ago. Those moments when he told me how much I meant to him. 

My brain was addled.

I walked around the neighborhood, wishing my mom was here so I could dwell in the comfort of my messy room; I didn't have a key. Through Aiden's bedroom windows, I saw the wrinkled bed sheets, my cluttered nightstand.

Soon, I reached the local park and settled on a bench. From here, I could see the sun, steady and slow as it set behind the houses in the distance. 

Blues and purples took over the sky so it looked like a watercolor masterpiece. The birds quieted, and crickets began to chirp in the background.

As I looked down at my phone, a droplet of water splattered on its glassy surface. I looked up.

Gray clouds gathered overhead. It was raining, no more than a drizzle. It seeped into my hair, into my shirt, into my heart. 

Salty tears dripped down my face alongside the rain drops. Inside me, a well-built dam burst and began to flow.

I cried. 

I didn't cry for Aiden. It wasn't worth crying about.

But I cried for the Sleeper. Suyodhana. My dad.

I cried for the time I'd lost with my mother.

I cried for the future I hadn't chosen.

Soon, I couldn't tell my tears apart from the rain. Its steady rhythm lulled me to sleep.

Shhhhh... Shhhhh... Shhhh...

Taking a slow breath, I rested my head against my knees, pulled up against my chest, and closed my eyes.

I think we all needed some angst, so here you go. Thanks for reading!!!

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