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𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐨

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𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐨 . . .

A strike of lighting crashes against the grassy cliffs of the island of dragons and dragon Lords, followed by a roar of thunder that sends all of the hounds, even in King's Landing, howling through the night.

A heavy squall falls from the screaming night's sky, ripping stone statues off of the dark walls of the dragon Lords' keep, and evaporating into thin smoke as they land upon the volcano, known to all as Dragonmount. The grassy hills, making up most of the dragons' island, are drenched with the tears falling from the enraged sky, the dragons domain.. the dragons that fell to the beasts of Westeros.

Inside of the stone keep of dragon Lords, a scream, filled with pain, rips through the dark halls of Dragonstone, coming from Queen Rhaella of House Targaryen's chambers, whom lays upon her bed. Blood soaks her plain sheets, traces of the beige color barely even noticeable beneath the Queen's blood, as sweat dampens her beautiful silver locks to the sides of her head, as another scream falls from her lips, tears streaming down her pink cheeks.

A handmaiden, whilst holding her sweet Queen's hand, softly dabs a damp cloth across Rhaella's head, before gently pushing her silver hair away from her violet eyes, which squeeze close, once more, as the Targaryen Queen screams as loud as the roars falling from the raging sky.

"You're doing great, my Queen.."

The elderly Maester says, just before a cry echoes throughout the Queen's chambers. The Maester takes the babe into his arms, the other handmaidens inside of the chambers giving the elderly man cloth to wrap the wailing babe inside of.

The Lady of Dragonstone
has a daughter.

The wailing babe is placed into her mother's trembling arms, the handmaiden beside the Queen fluffing her pillows to allow Rhaella Targaryen to lean against the headboard of the bed and look at her beautiful daughter, whose wails fade into sweet coos as young violet eyes recognize their smiling mother.

"Daenerys... Daenerys Stormborn
will be her name."

As if the sweet babe understood every word that fell from her mother's lips, Daenerys giggles as she reaches her small hands towards her mother's silver locks, beginning to play with the damp, messy locks.

It was a beautiful moment between mother and daughter, before Queen Rhaella releases a scream of utter pain, scaring the young babe in her arms, whom begins to wail, once more, as the Maester rushes towards the side of his Queen's bed.

"What is it, my Queen?"

".. A-Ano-ther.... there-.. there
is-.... another...."

The handmaiden standing beside her Queen takes the wailing babe into her arms, beginning to softly hush sweet nothings to soothe the babe as she walks out of Queen Rhaella's chambers, whilst the Maester stands at the bottom of the bed, before announcing to the remaining handmaidens the Lady of Dragonstone were going to birth twins that night.

Blood begins to flow from the wailing Targaryen Queen as a roar of thunder echoes across the raging skies, once more, the squall smacking against the stone walls of the keep as the Maester begins to notice the babe were not coming, his brows furrowing before he realizes the babe were trapped inside of her mother's belly, announcing this.

"T-... Take it-.. it-... o-out!.... Now!" The Queen yells through her quickened breaths and screams of pain that echo louder than the storm.

The Maester, with sorrow morphing onto his elderly features, bows his head in acceptance to his Queen's demand, taking a knife from the stand before the bed into his hand, whilst one of the handmaidens walks out of the room, not wanting to witness the events about to occur to her beloved Queen.

Breathing a deep breath of the salty winds surrounding the dragons' island, the Maester looks to the beautiful Queen Rhaella for acceptance with the knife held within his, surprisingly, unwavering grasp, whom softly nods at the Maester with tears falling from her violet eyes,

"I-.... I wa-want it-... it to-.. live....

With those words spoken, the Maester respectfully bows his head, dotted with withering aged hairs, before cutting into Queen Rhaella's belly and pulling the babe into his blood-soaked arms, and a handmaiden swiftly covers the Lady's stomach and legs with a blanket, remaining respectful towards the Queen alongside hiding the brutal sight.

The Maester looks upon the silent babe, the storm silencing itself for the Targaryen babe, whilst the remaining two handmaidens hold either of Queen Rhaella's hands, feeling the life fading from her with every silent second that passed, before an answer from the Gods seems to occur as the babe begins to wail and squirm in the elderly Maester's grasp.

The Lady of Dragonstone
has another daughter.

The elderly man, then, comes to stand beside the bed the dying Targaryen Queen lays upon, whom softly smiles when the Maester leans down to show Queen Rhaella her second daughter.

Bright violet eyes stare upon their mother, as a sweet coo falls from her lips. With her dying breath, Queen Rhaella of House Targaryen names her last daughter,

"... Rhae-.... Rhaenaerys..... Oh, Rhaenaerys..."

The Lady of Dragonstone, the sweet Targaryen Queen everyone adored, then, passes on her birthing bed, and sorrow begins to seep into the hearts of the servants loyal to House Targaryen, as the babe wails in the Maester's arms.

The handmaidens cover Queen Rhaella's limp body with a clean sheet, tears falling from their eyes, as one of them walks towards the Maester, taking the wailing babe into her arms, beginning to hush sweet things to quiet the heartbreaking wails of Rhaenaerys'.

"What will happen to them?"

"I will have Ser Willem take the twins, and
Viserys, across the sea.. to a place far from
the reaches of Robert's vengeance."

__________ ❁𖢻❁ __________

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