𝟯𝟲 survived

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   GRABBING EACH OTHER'S hands as tight as possible, the three women sprinted out of the store

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   GRABBING EACH OTHER'S hands as tight as possible, the three women sprinted out of the store. They followed the crowd of frantic, screaming players running away from the King of Spades.

   The women kept running until they reached the main area of Shibuya. Cars were dotted here and there. Keeping low but fast, the three hid behind them as they continued fleeing.

   "Kuina! Ann! Tomoko!"

   Their names were called and they all simultaneously looked over: it was Arisu and Usagi.

   They rushed over, diving behind the car Usagi and Arisu had hidden behind. Tomoko noticed Arisu had a shotgun and she nodded at him in approval.

   "Your arm!" Usagi exclaimed with wide eyes, "What happened?"

   "I had to amputate it after some debris crushed it. I'm fine." Tomoko replied. She hadn't realised until now but Usagi actually cared about her. However, Arisu did not like her much. He was staring at her with disdain and she wouldn't be surprised if he pointed his gun at her head, and got revenge for her betrayal.

   "Have you seen Chishiya?" Kuina asked immediately after she caught her breath.

   Gulping audibly, Arisu avoided her gaze as he nodded, "Yeah. He'll be good."

   "You're lying." Tomoko narrowed her eyes at him, "Did you kill him?"

   "What? No!"

   "He got shot." Usagi explained, placing a protective hand in front of Arisu in case Tomoko attempted anything. "He said he tried to meet up with you but ran into the King. He's lucky he's alive."

   "Goddamit, Chi. You fucking idiot." Tomoko cursed in a mutter as if her brother could hear him. She had told him splitting up was a bad idea.

   Sorrow was causing her throat to close up, tears pricking in her eyes. Emotion was gnawing at her heart. Tomoko took a deep breath, forcing her worries down.

   She couldn't be distracted right now.

   "I hate to interrupt," Ann stated, "but it looks like the King of Spades wants to settle things here."

   "Don't worry. We'll take the King down together." Kuina reassured her, intertwining their hands and giving hers a squeeze.

   Suddenly, a bullet hit the window of the car they were hidden down. The group slammed their bodies onto the ground as quick as possible, glass shattering across them.

   After peeking her head out of the cover, Tomoko informed the group, "He's getting closer. We have to go."

   As soon as she said that, the group shot off. They ran away from the King, each focused on their own survival. All of a sudden, Tomoko realised Ann's hand was no longer connected with Kuina's.

   Ann had fallen behind, the King of Spades holding a gun to her head.

   Before Tomoko could even yell for Kuina's help, the woman had already kicked a rear view mirror off of a car and directed it at the King. It hit him on the back of the head, making him stumble forward and release Ann. Ann ran to her girlfriends and all three of them hid behind a car.

   "Are you alright?" Tomoko asked her, pulling the woman into a tight hug.

   She nodded, "Yes, I'm okay, don't worry."

   Kuina was going to offer her own comfort to Ann but before she could do so, a sudden crash was heard behind them. Cautiously, they looked out from behind their cover to find that the King of Spades had been run over. The car had burst into flames. Surely, he was dead, right?

   The players nearby began to celebrate — but not for long. Shortly after the fire sprung, the King exited and shot a flurry of bullets into anyone he set his eyes on. He pulled off his cape, which had flames devouring it, and tossed it to one side.

   Catching sight of the King's face, Tomoko realised he had scars littering his skin as well as being blind in one eye. Perhaps she could use that against him later.

   The King caught sight of Tomoko, too, and began to shoot at her. She pulled her lovers' along with her as she sprinted away from his line of sight.

   Suddenly, the gunfire stopped. Not slowly as they got farther away — but in a second, it was gone. Like he had been distracted.

   Glancing over at him, Tomoko realised he had an arrow impaled into his arm. She followed his gaze and spotted Heiya.

  She had fucking survived.

  Tomoko screamed her friend's name and the girl glanced over with a grin. She sprinted over and together, she and Tomoko, as well as Ann and Kuina, continued running until they found refuge inside a building.

   As soon as they were safe, Tomoko pulled Heiya into a hug. It was so tight that Heiya was unsure if Tomoko would ever let her go.

   "I missed you so much. I thought I killed you, sending you into the King of Spades game." Tomoko muttered, tears of relief rushing down her cheeks.

   Pulling away from the hug, Heiya flashed Tomoko a grin as she repeated her words, "Do I look like a woman who would die?"

Tomoko shook her head at the girl, endeared.

   Before she could reply, Usagi and Arisu arrived. Arisu and Heiya exchanged a smile, telling Tomoko they had met before. That was probably why the school girl was here: to support her friends.

   But there was somebody else with them as well.

   "Aguni?" Tomoko stared at the man in surprise. He looked fine apart from a few scars on his arms, "How the hell did you survive?"


yesterday i burnt my fingers on hot milk when i was tryna make a hot chocolate and it still hurts so bad LMFAO
anyway im kinda annoyed at myself that im keeping chishiya as shot & out of the king of spades final battle. he just isnt a fighter like the others and i didnt know how to include him bc of that... ☹️

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