𝟮𝟵 you're a heart

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   AS ROUND NINE began, the twins watched as Ippei began to pace in front of them, terrified

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AS ROUND NINE began, the twins watched as Ippei began to pace in front of them, terrified.

   "I can't believe they tried to do it to you!" He pointed at Chishiya, "Why are they all tricking each other?"

   "Well, are you surprised? Nobody wants to be the next to die." Chishiya reminded him.

   Tilting her head, Tomoko mused, "You know, if you really want to stop all of the tricking, we could always get rid of Urumi. I mean, she's the one orchestrating it, after all."

   "But–but then we'd be just like her!" Ippei protested.

    "I thought you wanted all of this to stop. Well, this is our only solution." Tomoko returned with a nonchalant shrug.

   Gulping audibly, Ippei slowly nodded, "Okay. I'll–I'll do it."

Well, that was ridiculously easy, Tomoko thought. She smiled at him before leaving, heading over to the spot she had told Furuta to meet her at.

   "Who have you convinced so far?" Tomoko asked as she approached the girl.

   "I think I convinced two but I don't know if they will actually go through with it." Furuta replied. Their group had been slimmed down to only eight people.

"I convinced somebody else, too. So, we only have one more, then." Tomoko figured out.

"What about the quiet guy who's always with you?" Furuta inquired.

Suppressing a snort of amusement, Tomoko nodded, "I'm doing it for him. So, of course he'll do it."

"Good." Furuta nodded back.

Tomoko folded her arms, "Alright, who are we missing? Who's the last person I need to convince?"

"It's the girl with the headband." Furuta told her.

Nodding, Tomoko patted the girl on the shoulder, "Okay, you take a break and wait until we tell each other the symbols. I'll deal with her."

Then, she left. She searched the entirety of the game arena until she found said girl downstairs, trying to decide what food to eat.

Grabbing a packet of biscuits, Tomoko tapped the girl on the shoulder and handed the snack to her, "Here, these are my favourite."

The girl bowed, showing her a smile.

As she was about to walk away, Tomoko called out, "Look, I'll be honest with you. I don't trust Urumi and many others don't either. I think that it would be best to eliminate her now before she eliminates us. Do you agree?"

The girl slowly turned. She opened her mouth, closed it then nodded, before rushing away.

Raising one eyebrow at her, Tomoko lightly sighed. She could tell that the girl hadn't really been convinced at all, and she just wanted to leave as quickly as possible.

   And she had thought correct.

   It wasn't long before Tomoko came face-to-face with Urumi, the girl glaring at her.

   "Somebody told me that you were planning to eliminate me." Urumi stated.

   A smirk spread across Tomoko's face. It was clear the girl opposite her was intimidated and threatened by the news she had received. Tomoko laughed once before tilting her head, "Is that so? Even if that is true, it was bound to happen sooner or later."

   Urumi stepped forward as if challenging her, "You can't and you won't eliminate me."

    "Whatever you say." Tomoko hummed. As Urumi turned, Tomoko spotted the symbol on her collar and called out, "You're a heart, by the way."

   Urumi continued onward and Tomoko followed after her, heading over to where the group had assembled. They exchanged their symbols and when they reached Urumi's turn, everyone told her she was a diamond.

   Urumi turned and Tomoko noticed a deep look of confusion on her face. But it was time to enter their cells and say their symbols.

   As Tomoko headed to her cell, Ippei walked beside her due to the fact his cell was beside hers. He was sobbing softly, clearly overwhelmed and unable to continue much more.

   "I can't do this." He weeped, "It's messed up. I thought that people were much better than this."

   Tomoko blinked a few times and turned to him. She grabbed his hand, stopping his movements so that he could focus on her words, "Listen to me, Ippei. We only have a few more rounds, surely. You can get through it, right?"

   Sniffling, Ippei nodded and rubbed away his tears. The two continued until they reached their cells and they entered. Tomoko answered correctly because Chishiya had obviously given her the right answer and vice versa. However, she heard a few explosions.

   Once Tomoko exited her cell and headed to the main guard room, she checked the computer screen to see who had died.

   There was the rest of the group, succumbed to the fear and blood thirst. And, of course, Urumi. Tomoko figured that the girl had thought both answers given to her – diamond and heart – were wrong and so she either answered club or spade. Exactly like Tomoko had planned.

   But the last person shook Tomoko to her core: it was Ippei.


TOMOKO REDEMPTION ARC MY BELOVED!!! also ignore how the gif has long hair theres no gifs of mina with short blonde hair 😾😾

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