𝟬𝟳 what will you do?

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   THE GAME ARENA was in an underground facility

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THE GAME ARENA was in an underground facility. Tomoko could hear the water rushing and dripping around her before she could see it. She had been paired up with Kuina and Arisu, obviously, as well as Ann again. She was glad since they had made a good team last time (well, they had both cleared the game) and Tomoko was starting to like her. The other players were 61 and the mechanic from the Tag game. His name was Tatta.

"Ms Ann, the water's coming out pretty fast and it's getting deeper!" Tatta shouted at Ann just as Tomoko and Kuina reached the bottom of the stairs. He had interrupted Ann when she was telling Arisu this game was a test to see if he would make a good executive member of The Beach.

Tomoko and Kuina walked over to the table full of phones, picking up one each. Tomoko inspected the waterproof cover, confirming in her mind water would be involved in some way, before turning to the man beside her, "Arisu, right? I'm Tomoko. We played the Tag game together."

Arisu's eyes widened, "You saved my life."

   Tomoko shrugged nonchalantly as Kuina offered the man a hand, "I'm Kuina. Good to meet ya."

   Arisu shook her hand, smiling friendly, "Me too."

   As they made their way into the game room, Tomoko couldn't help but think that Arisu was more gullible than her brother had said. He was too trusting, which was thankfully good for Tomoko and her plan.

   The room the game would take place in was full of water, covering everyone up to their thighs. Another room with a door was connected to them and it had a single light bulb hanging from it. There were three switches placed on one side of the room, labelled A and B and C. Electric wires clung to the ceiling and hung close to the water, threatening to electrocute them all.

   "Not enough room to move, it's not a Spade. Diamond or Club maybe? Small chance it's a Heart as someone could be pushed into the wires as a betrayal..." Tomoko muttered under her breath, deciphering her surroundings. She noticed Ann watching her but she couldn't read her due to the big sunglasses she wore. Tomoko met her gaze but she wasn't intimidated, keeping the eye contact, which made Tomoko smirk to herself.

   The phones chimed, "The game is about to commence. There are six participants. Difficulty, Four of Diamonds. Game, Light Bulb."

   "This is the last Diamond we need." Ann stated although her face showed no sign of excitement. She was unbothered and mysterious, as usual.

   The phones continued, "Participants must find out which switch turns on the light bulb. Only one of the switches – A, B or C – will turn the light bulb on. Rule one, participants only have one chance to leave the door open while flipping a switch. When the door is closed, participants may flip any switch or as many as they would like. Rule two: if a player is in the room and the switch is flipped on, the door to the room will be locked and cannot be closed. Participants have only one chance to answer as a group. The game is cleared when you determine which switch turns the light bulb on. If the rising water level touches the hanging electrical wires, it is game over."

   Frowning with curiosity, 61 leaned over and poked a wire, subsequently being electrocuted.

   Tomoko rolled her eyes, apathetic to what she had witnessed, "How could they survive a Heart but not a goddamn Diamond?"

   Kuina looked over to Tatta, who was stood to her left, "Remember, don't touch."

   He nodded before staring down at his body. At first, only his legs were covered but now the water was at his waist. "The water level is rising!" He exclaimed.

   "We better act fast." Tomoko said pointedly, staring at Arisu.

   Instead, Tatta spoke up, hands trembling as he gripped his phone. His voice was just as shaky. "Okay, we just need to know which switch turns on the light. I'll go into the room first, we'll take turns!"

   "If you go in, the door won't close." Tomoko reminded him.

   Ann glared sharply at her (or at least, it seemed so since the sunglasses shrouded her eyes in darkness) to tell her to leave it. It was Arisu's test, not hers. Still, Tomoko didn't care about the repercussions she would face if she purposely messed with the test and answered before Arisu could. She was determined to live and if that meant she was punished later; so be it.

   Arisu frowned, his hands reaching up to scratch his head as he tried to think of what to do, "You can only try once with the door open, but if we close the door it doesn't make sense to flip a switch since we won't know which light is on."

   "Yes, but suppose we flip the A switch with the door open, but the light bulb doesn't light. Then, we'll only know that it's not the A switch." Ann returned.

   "I say that you flip the A switch with the door open!" Tatta exclaimed to Arisu. "If the light bulb turns on, then it's switch A. If not, it's B or C. That way we've got a 50% chance!"

   "66 percent." Tomoko corrected him.

   "Are you sure?" Tatta frowned, confused. "It should be 50 percent."

   Kuina bit down on her fake cigarette harshly, almost grinding her teeth from confusion and worry, "I gotta tell you, I'm not following any of this!"

   Ann turned to him, "What will you do, Arisu?"


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