𝟯𝟳 bait

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   "HOW THE HELL did you survive?" Aguni returned, looking Tomoko up and down until his gaze landed on her amputated arm

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"HOW THE HELL did you survive?" Aguni returned, looking Tomoko up and down until his gaze landed on her amputated arm.

She glanced down at it too, "I barely did."

   Crouching down beside the group, Aguni shoved an assault rifle into Tomoko's hands. "You'll need this. You're the only one I actually trust with something this dangerous."

   Heiya had been staring at Aguni with wide eyes and she finally managed to utter in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

   "You two know each other?" Tomoko asked, glancing between the two.

   "I followed you here." Aguni replied to Heiya.

   "So you do love me."

   A new spray of gunfire was released from the King's firearm, bringing the group back to their current dangerous predicament. Luckily, the King of Spades was quite a bit away from them, which gave the group some time to plan their next move.

   "He's just human, he's not invincible." Aguni relayed the information he had gathered, "And as for his guns, he won't be able to shoot forever. Once he runs out of ammo, he'll need to restock. I think they drop supplies from blimps."

   Arisu glanced around the group, "Well, we've all got weapons."

   Suddenly, Kuina gasped, "I almost forgot!" She pulled out a haphazardly created bomb, made from a soda can, "It's my good luck charm. This is a bomb Chishiya made."

   "A lot of good that toy will do us." Aguni scoffed sarcastically.

   Scoffing back, Tomoko immediately defended her brother, "His creations have saved my life countless times."

   "We can lure the King in and use it at close range." Arisu suggested. He grabbed the bomb off of Kuina and sniffed it, "I'm guessing the bomb contains kerosene from the way it smells."

   "An ANFO bomb." Ann stated.

   "Then the explosion it makes won't be big." Aguni added.

   Frowning, Arisu looked around his surroundings. Eventually, he locked his eyes on a building across the street from them, "I can see a drugstore over there. If we can fill it up with gas, the explosion will be bigger."

   "So someone needs to lure the King of Spades inside there?" Tomoko inquired.

   Arisu nodded, "I'll wait for him inside the store and then trigger it."

   "You're going to die if you do that." Usagi told him firmly, worry etched onto her face.

   Arisu shook his head at her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder and giving it a squeeze to comfort her, "I'll make it out. When the bomb detonates, if I'm on the second floor, I'll be able to survive the fall. Probably."

   Heiya glanced him up and down disapprovingly, "You know, you say probably a lot."

   Tomoko could read the girl easily. She was afraid for Arisu's safety (his plan was extremely dangerous) and she was trying to cover it up.

   "His 'probably' is worth betting on. It's worth its weight in gold." Aguni responded, "I'll be the bait; I'll lure him in into an alley so he can't get ammo from the blimp, then I'll lure him into the drugstore from there."

   "You're an idiot if you try to do it alone, and you're even stupider if you think I'm staying here doing nothing. I'll come with you." Tomoko told him firmly. A fire burned in her eyes, threatening him to challenge her. He didn't – because he clearly knew she wouldn't listen to any arguments.

   "I'm coming with you." Kuina and Ann said simultaneously.

   "We'll do it together." Usagi decided, exchanging a glance with Heiya as the girl nodded in agreement.

   "Just leave it to us." Heiya announced.

   "Let's get this over with." Tomoko huffed, pulling back her hair and tucking it behind her ears before clutching her assault rifle.

   Did she have experience with the weapon? No. She just knew she'd pull the trigger and kill the King if he even tried to hurt her friends.

With that, the group split up. Arisu went one direction and everyone else headed toward the alleyway.

The King of Spades had continued his assault on the players. A group had attempted to team up on the King and overpower them, but he batted them away as if they weighed nothing.

"Hey, asshole!" Tomoko screamed as loud as the volume of her voice could reach. She shot at the King, managing to get his torso bleeding.

Instantly, the King of Spades turned to her. He shot back at her but Tomoko ducked behind a car, using it as cover as she rushed toward the alley.

Glancing around her, Tomoko could see the rest of the group chasing after her. Kuina and Ann were the closest to her, not slowing their rapid speed to keep up with their girlfriend, despite the fact they were panting.

Turning a sharp corner, Tomoko slid behind a corner. Her lovers soon joined her, each preparing their weapons. Kuina cracked her knuckles and Ann checked the bullets in her revolver.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Tomoko forced her hands to stop shaking as she gripped her rifle tighter. She turned to her girlfriends and although she didn't want to say it, she knew she had to.

"If anything happens, I want you both to know I love you very much."


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