𝟮𝟮 i love you

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   "TOMOKO! TOMOKO, ARE you here?" Familiar voices called out through the roaring of the collapsing building

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   "TOMOKO! TOMOKO, ARE you here?" Familiar voices called out through the roaring of the collapsing building.

   The woman watched as Chishiya and Kuina emerged from the flames lapping at the debris around her, hurried and frantic.

   "Over here." She said but her voice was croaky and quiet, so Tomoko repeated herself in a yell, "I'm over here!"

   The two ran over instantly. Kuina rushed over to where her arm was trapped and began to try pull it off of her, heaving with all of her might, whilst Chishiya crouched beside her, mopping at the blood on her face.

   "Why the hell did you stay back?" Chishiya demanded in a stern yet concerned voice.

   "I didn't. Nir–Niragi stopped me from leaving, he tried to kill me. So I killed him." Tomoko told him in a feeble voice, coughs interrupting her words. Her head was pounding as she swam in and out of consciousness.

   "Hey! Hey, Oko!" Chishiya exclaimed, snapping his fingers in front of her face to keep her eyes open. "Keep looking at me. We're gonna get you out of here, okay?"

   Shaking her head, Tomoko softly pushed him away with one hand. "Y-you can't help me. Go. Go!"

   "Chishiya, help me with this!" Kuina shouted. Sweat dripped from every part of her body as she tried to free her friend whilst the fire creeped closer.

   After gently slapping the side of his sister's face to keep her awake, Chishiya rushed over. Using all of his might, he grabbed the debris and pulled as much as he could. Together, they managed to pull the wreckage off of their friend's arm. The two threw it to the side.

   Tomoko let out a mix of a scream and a sob once she spotted the state of her arm. The pain eased once the rubble was removed but it didn't make the wounds any better. It was a mangled mess. Blood coated all parts of her arm, cuts and and gashes galore. It was clearly broken — more than broken. It would need to be amputated if Tomoko were to live.

   "Fuck..." Kuina gasped.

   "It's alright," Chishiya reassured her though it sounded more like he was trying to calm himself, "Let's just get her up first. We can worry about this when she's safe."

   "No, you need to go!" Tomoko yelled at them.

   She was broken beyond repair. If she were to leave with them, she would slow them down with her mangled arm, sprained ankle and exhaustion.

   "We're not leaving you!" Kuina told her in a desperate voice, tears welling in her eyes.

She and Chishiya grabbed Tomoko's shoulders and pulled. They managed to lift her into a sitting position but as soon as they let go, she fell back down again. She didn't have enough strength to hold herself up.

"You both need to go!" Tomoko shouted, clenching her hands into fists and punching the floor in anger, "I won't let you die here trying to save me!"

Chishiya shook his head, tears welling in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away before they could fall as he scoffed, "If we leave, you will die. I'm not letting that happen."

"And I'm not letting you die." Tomoko returned. She reached out and grabbed her brother's hand, squeezing it to reassure him.

"I can't leave you! I love you." Kuina sobbed.

Surprise washed over Tomoko. Her heart warmed and despite their life threatening circumstances, she smiled. Joy blossomed in her chest, spreading through her body until the love overtook every part of her.

Tomoko cried happy tears. "I love you, too." She said and she meant it.

Tomoko had finally gotten a heart.

Kuina continued weeping. Reaching up, Tomoko brushed away her tears before pulling Kuina down to meet her.

First, their lips brushed, testing the waters. When Kuina surged forward, Tomoko fully kissed her. Although it was a short kiss, it still ignited sparks inside her. Kuina's lips were soft, tinged with a taste of her strawberry lipgloss. Clasping Tomoko's cheek with her hand, Kuina brushed their noses together as they breathed each other in.

Finally, Kuina pulled away. Tomoko's lips parted as she tried to capture Kuina's lips again, hungry for more. She had zoned everything else out and had forgotten about her situation.

"I'm happy you both finally realised." Chishiya stated, a faint smile on his face. Then, he gripped Kuina's shoulder and tried to pull her away, "But now we have to go."

"But–but we have to do something!" Kuina began to cry again, clutching onto Tomoko.

"No, you need to go. You need to survive for me." Tomoko demanded firmly.

The building continued to collapse around them. As Chishiya and Kuina rushed away to save themselves, it continued to break and descend onto the floor around Tomoko.

As she closed her eyes, accepting the release of death, she felt calmness overcome her.

At least she would die happily.


sorry lol 💀 BUT YIPPEE KUINA X TOMOKO CONFESSION!!! does anyone have a ship name for these gals ? bc i cant think of one

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