𝟰𝟬 ten years after

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   TEN YEARS AFTER a meteor hit Tokyo, Tomoko had created a great family

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TEN YEARS AFTER a meteor hit Tokyo, Tomoko had created a great family. She had two wives: Ann Rizuna and Kuina Hikari, as well as having two twin seven year old girls.

"Aya, stop hitting your sister with that teddy!" Ann exclaimed, scolding her daughter. The child stopped instantly with a sheepish grin, not realising her mischief was being watched. "Go get your suitcase from upstairs and bring it down, please."

Aya nodded, rushing away. She and her sister were not identical but the two were best friends anyway, much like Tomoko and Chishiya. Aya had long, dark brown hair whereas Ayaka, the other twin, had short blonde hair - though both had green eyes.

Once Aya had disappeared, Ann turned to Ayaka, "Anything you want with you on the plane you need to get now, okay?"

Ayaka nodded before walking away to do so. She was much quieter than her sister, and more sensible as well. Yet when the two were together, they were menaces. As soon as the twins reunited upstairs, loud giggles and stomps could be heard.

Sighing, Ann shook her head in endearment at the two before walking over to her wife. She wrapped her arms around Tomoko's waist, leaning her head on her shoulder, "What time is Chishiya arriving?"

"Ten past ten." Tomoko replied with a soft smile, "So, in ten minutes."

Ann groaned gently, "Someone needs to make sure the kids actually do what they're supposed to."

Chuckling at her wife's implications, Tomoko freed herself from Ann's grasp and pressed a quick kiss to her lips, "Alright, I'll go sort them out."

She sent a quick glance in Kuina's direction, eyebrows knitted together in concern. She was pacing back and forth, talking on the phone to her mother's doctor. Her mother used to be badly sick and bed ridden. Luckily, she got somewhat better but she still had to have a carer with her at home. It was clear that Kuina was worried about how her mother's health would be whilst she and her family went on holiday.

"Check on her, okay? Make sure she's not stressing too hard." Tomoko told Ann and the woman nodded, heading over in an instant.

After that, Tomoko headed up the stairs and entered the bedroom her children shared. Like her wife had predicted, the two were not doing what they were supposed to. Instead, they were having a pillow fight.

"Girls, what did mommy tell you to do?" Tomoko asked, immediately causing the two to stop their misbehaviour.

"Uh..." Aya trailed off, looking to her sister for support.

"Mommy said that I need to get the stuff I want on the plane. And I started doing that, I got my pillow, but Aya got hers and she started hitting me so I fought back." Ayaka explained.

Aya smiled awkwardly at Tomoko, "Sorry, mama."

"Your uncle will be here soon to take us to the airport and we can't be late otherwise we'll miss our flight, then we won't be able to go on holiday. So can you two please do what you were asked? Aya, you need to get your suitcase, remember?" Tomoko told her children.

"Yep, right! I know that!" Aya exclaimed before crouching down and attempting to tug her bulky suitcase out from underneath her bed. Her sister soon began to help her.

Suddenly, a car horn beeped outside.

"Uncle Shiya!" Aya squealed, abandoning her suitcase and running down the stairs to meet her uncle.

Ayaka glanced down at her sister's discarded suitcase then looked up to her mother...Then, she sprinted after her twin.

Shaking her head in endearment, Tomoko grabbed Aya's suitcase along with Ayaka's pillow before heading downstairs after them. Once she reached the bottom, she was met with the adorable sight of Chishiya giving Ayaka a big hug whilst Aya blabbered to him everything that came to mind.

"I'm so excited to go on holiday, Shiya! I'm going to go swimming at the beach! Mama taught me how even though she only has one arm. And, I'm better than mommy! Even though she's a grown up-"

"That's really cool, Aya." Chishiya interrupted her with a polite smile, which she returned with a boisterous grin.

Then, he pulled away from Ayaka and headed over to his sister. The two embraced in a hug and Tomoko felt her stress melt away in her brother's arms. She had been so worried lately, wanting everything to be perfect for her wives and her children that she hadn't allowed herself to just...breathe.

"Chishiya, you're here!" Kuina exclaimed, beaming wide. She hugged him as soon as she got the chance. The two had been friends for a while and in fact, Tomoko met Kuina through her brother.

When the two had separated, Ann clapped her hands together, "Aya, Ayaka, have you got all of your things?"

The girls looked around cluelessly and awkwardly until Tomoko held up their belongings, "I brought them down."

"Come on." Chishiya stated as he took their things and headed out of the door to load them into his car. His nieces chased after him with shrieks of delight.

"So, what'd they say?" Tomoko asked as she headed over to Kuina.

The woman sighed and hooked her arm around her wife's, snaking her hand down to intertwine their fingers, "She should be fine; I just worried too much."

"She'll be better than fine, she'll be good." Ann reassured her.

"Yes, she will. This is our time to relax now, though, so let's put all our worries aside." Tomoko said with a content sigh.

The three shared a hug and a multitude of kisses. As they headed outside and got into Chishiya's car, Tomoko had one thought in her mind.

I really love them.


i bet ima get a bunch of 'i dont like kids' comments but idc!!!!!!! tomoko would want the happy family she never got as a kid. also let's pretend gay marriage and polyam marriage is legal in japan 👍
anyway i just wanted a final chapter for some closure and tbh i think this is so cute 🥹 kuiannoko my beloveds <333

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