.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2 .+.

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"Hey big brother!!" Latte greeted me at the front of my lab door. She seemed to be a little excited, which was normal since she had way more energy than I did. I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips. "What do you want this time?" I said, slightly annoyed. "I want you to meet a new friend I had just made at the park!!" She said, bouncing on her feet excitedly. "Her name is Raspberry Cookie!! She's apart of House Raspberry and she knows how to fence!!"

I looked over at the cookie behind her, who's name is apparently Raspberry. She had long pinkish red hair, with some of it tied up in a bun with a blue bow. She wore an elegant suit that had matched her hair color with gold lace around the edges of her suit, shoulder pads, and white dress pants. She had hot pink eyes and carried a fencing sword that had matched her attire.

"Hello. My name is Raspberry Cookie! It's nice to meet you. What's your name?" She said to me while bowing and held her hand out towards me, expecting me to shake it. "Espresso Cookie. Likewise, I suppose." I shook her hand for a second and then turned to Latte.

"I'm going to go head to the café, alright?" I told her. "Espresso, I'm coming with you! I'm gonna make sure you don't have more than just one cup of coffee!" She scolded me. I scoffed and walked out, Latte and Raspberry following behind me.

I swiftly walked to my favorite place to get coffee, but with Latte monitoring me, I couldn't order more than just one cup of coffee, so I couldn't stay up today. I quietly grumbled at the thought of being a little behind on my research.

As I entered the café, the delightful aroma of coffee beans flowed into the air. I walked up to the line and stood there, observing the interior of the coffee shop. Latte spoke to Raspberry with great passion. I could tell she really liked Raspberry.

While I looked around the shop a little more, my eyes suddenly landed on a certain cookie, who was sitting at a table by the window. He appeared to be staring right at me. I started to panic. Was I doing something wrong? Do I look weird? He noticed that I saw him looking at me and happily waved.

Do I know him from somewhere? Why the heck is he waving at me? Gosh, his appearance is so bright and happy, I heavily dislike it. He had light tan skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, and he has armor on. His light blue eyes reminded me of the sea, just like him. Could it be? I slightly shook my head. He's gone, he left the kingdom with his father... but he reminded me of Butter so much. I'm probably just being stupid.

"Next!" The coffee barista called out. I turned and stepped forward to take my order. Once me, Latte, and Raspberry had finished placing in our orders, we went to go sit down at a table.

"Sooo, Espresso! Doesn't feel good to relax for a little while?" She asked me. I sighed and nodded my head, clearly annoyed. "Ess, it's important for you to take a break sometimes, you know. You need a lot of sleep as well." Raspberry nodded in agreement as Latte lectured me.

"Look, sleep just isn't on my schedule, I have other things I need to worry about rather than getting sleep." I said, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. Latte let out a sigh. "But Espresso, if you get more sleep, it'll give you more energy to work on whatever you're working on. Just think about it!" Raspberry told me.

Latte looked at Raspberry in appreciation and turned back to me. She opened her mouth to speak but before she could, someone had bud into our conversation. "Ahem. I think that you should get some sleep. Even I, the amazing knight commander needs sleep! It's good to get some rest after a long day of working."

I turned my head to see the cookie that had been staring at me earlier. What the heck? Can't this guy mind his own business?! I scowled. "See, Espresso? Even the knight commander agrees! Wait- THE KNIGHT COMMANDER?!" She gasped. I looked at her confused. "What, is he like famous or somethin'?" I rolled my eyes. Raspberry nodded. "I'm surprised you don't know him. He's one of the best commanders on Earthbread!" She stated. "Raspberry and I were great friends back then! We used to spar together." The cookie chuckled. I look at him once again, but this time more carefully.




I chuckled lightly as the coffee mage, known as Espresso, looked at me curiously. He seemed to be pondering about something. i decided to introduce myself to Espresso, as he scanned me from head to toe. "Well, if you were wondering, my name is Madeleine Cookie! And you are?" I asked him, pretending to not know his name. He looked back up to my face. "Espresso Cookie." He finally said, after staring into my eyes for a minute.

I couldn't believe it! It really was him! I hadn't seen him in so long! I wanted to hug him and tell him how much I missed him! Though, I didn't really want to bother him too much. A few moments later, the coffee barista came to his table and handed the 3 cookies their drinks.

I turned to the girl next to Espresso. She had long light brown hair that faded into a milky white color, along with a big brown pointy hat. She wore a brown dress with a pattern on it colored in light brown, which matched her hat, and to top off her outfit, she wore white gloves and stockings. "You are..?" I pointed to her. She giggled lightly. "I'm Latte Cookie. I'm a professor at the Parfaedia Institute! My half brother here is the principal." She put a hand on Espresso's shoulder and smiled at me.

I watch as Espresso sighed, clearly annoyed, and got up from the table, holding his coffee in one hand and setting his other down on the table. "I have to go. I have other things to do than waste my time on you guys." he grumbled. "Wait, Espresso-" I tried to stop him from leaving. I didn't want to lose him again. He paused for a moment and glared at me. "Save it, Madeleine. I'll be at my lab doing work. Goodbye, Madeleine, Latte, Raspberry."

I frowned as I watched Espresso leaving the café, without even looking back at us. You changed a lot, Espresso.. Do you even remember me..? Do you... hate me...? I sighed. Even if you hate me, I promise I'll protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore, even if that means risking my own life. I looked at Latte and Raspberry, who were looking at each other worriedly. "I think I'm going to leave as well. Thanks for today, Latte, Raspberry. Farewell!" I waved to them, forcing a smile, as I left to walk back home.


haha yes

1209 Words. 

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