.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 14 .+.

83 1 4


I woke up in an empty bed. Tired, I sat up and saw Espresso walking out of his lab with a cup of coffee in hand. "Good morning, Madeleine." He said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Good morning, Essie! I see you woke up bright and early as usual!" I greeted him as he sat down beside me. "Of course. I have to do my research anyway. How are you feeling, Maddie?"

"Better than a few days ago, plus, you're here with me, so that automatically makes me happy!" I smiled widely at him and he giggled. "Alright, alright, I get it... You should get ready for training now. Wouldn't want to be late!" I nodded and got up from the bed.

Espresso followed me as I walked outside of the room to grab my stuff so I could go back to living with my mother and little sister. I sighed as I slipped on my usual shirt and pants. I put on my armor and carried my stuff along with my sword and shield.

"Bye, Essie! I'll see you soon! I love you!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked towards the door, waving at him. He stared at me for a few moments and then quickly set down his cup. 

He dashed towards me and gave me a small hug. "Bye, Butter... Have a good day at work today.. Come back soon..!" He pulled me down and kissed me on the lips. I couldn't get enough of that feeling when he places his soft lips on mine.

"Goodbye, my sweet little bean.~" I gave him one last hug and took off for my house. After walking for what felt like a year, I had made it back to my house and knocked on the door.

After a minute or two, the door creaked open and out came my mother. "Hm..? Oh! My son! Welcome back, my dear. How was the sleep over?" She took my wrist and dragged me inside. Cream Puff jumped up from her seat at the dining table and ran up to me.

"Big bro!! You're back! Where were you?!" She jumped around excitedly, tugging onto my arm. I chuckled lightly. "Oh well, I was just... Er.. at a friend's house!" I gave her an awkward smile. Her eyes grew big and sparkly.

Oh boy... Here we go... Cream Puff had always been the most curious little kid in my entire life. She wanted to know everything about everything. ...And I mean everything.

"Who was your friend? Were they fun to hang out with? Can I meet them? What do they look like? Tell me pleeeaasseee!!" She begged me and gave me her puppy eyes. I sighed. "Calm down, dear! I don't know if-"

"It's alright, mother." I assured my mom it was fine and walked to the couch, placing down my belongings. "Sooo...? Who is it?" Cream Puff asked me. "Alright, alright... Well- his name is Espresso.." I blushed lightly.

Cream Puff stared at me, her eyes widening. "ESPRESSO?! As in... Professor Espresso?! My principal?!" She gasped and jumped around. "Yes? Is there something I should know?" I tilted my head and stared at her.

"Professor Espresso never opens up this easily! He's always quiet and strict.. What if he likes you?!" Her eyes sparkled a whole bunch. I blushed a little more at the last part.

I stood up and walked to the door. "Well, it was nice seeing you, mother! I have to go to my training now. I'll see you soon Cream Puff! Goodbye, mother!" I ruffled Cream Puff's hair as she said goodbye.

I walked towards the Vanilla Castle, where I usually spar with Raspberry and Knight in the garden. From the corner of my eye, I noticed someone running up to me.

"Madeleine! Heyy! Good morning, Mads!" I turned to see Latte beside me, panting. "Why, good morning, Latte! How'd you sleep?"

Latte stopped to breathe for a second and then turned to me with a panicked face. "I slept fine, but that's not what I came to see you for!" I looked at her in confusion. "Is everything alright?"

Latte immediately shook her head. "Mads I have bad news for you... Your.. Your father.. He's back in town!" My eyes widened in shock and fear. My father...? As in.. The man who hurt me when I was younger...?

I shook my head and looked around. "No... This- this can't be real! He can't be back.. Latte, please tell me you're joking!" Latte looked down and slowly shook her head.

I placed my hands on her shoulder and shook her. "Latte, this isn't funny! I-" I could feel myself shaking. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted Espresso right at this moment.

Trumpets played near the Fountain of Abundance and a crowd of people came running to the area. My eyes darted around, looking for a place to hide.

I'm such a coward.. But I don't want to face him again.. What if he hurts me? What if he ends my life right here and then?! Latte noticed and grabbed my arm, taking me somewhere.

"Latte?- Where are we-" She interrupted me. "Don't ask any questions, I'm trying to help you get out of here." She dragged me all the way back to Espresso's house and used his spare keys to open the door.

"Espresso! Espresso?" She shouted as she shut the door once we had entered. Espresso quickly came out of his room, holding a beaker. His hair was in a small, messy, low ponytail. He spotted me and looked back at Latte.

"Is something happening? An emergency? You two don't look quite well." Latte nodded her head and looked at me. I let out a shaky sigh, "My.. My father's back."

 Espresso almost dropped his beaker after hearing the news. He ran back into his room. A few faint noises could be heard and then he came back out, taking me with him. "Essie-"

Before I could finish my sentence, someone had knocked loudly on Espresso's door. Latte peeked outside and signaled me and Espresso to hide.

"Hello?" She said. "Greetings, ma'am. I noticed that you had taken my.. son with you earlier. Do you perhaps know where he is?" I knew that voice. I knew he was smiling behind that door. He fooled the entire town into thinking he was a hero.

"No, sir. I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong person." Latte was about to slam the door but then he forced the door open and barged inside. Immediately, he spotted me beside Espresso and gave me a cruel smile.

"Hello there, my son. Oh, how it has been so long!" His voice was sickening to me. I was on the verge of tears. I wanted him to leave. I hated him so much. In a weak and shakey tone,



Fuck you Madeleine's father

1159 Words.

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