.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 19 .+.

58 0 1

(Note: Underlined + Italicized means flashback)


I sat on my bed with my knees to my chest as Madeleine slept peacefully. Staring at the sheets, I thought about my past with Madeleine.

I stood there, tears rolling down my face. "ESSIE!! FATHER, PLEASE!" Butter Madeleine screamed. "SHUT UP YOU BRAT!"

His father covered Butter's mouth, his desperate screams and cries becoming muffled. My half-sister, Latte, who was younger than me by 2 years, ran up to me.

"Brother? Where is Butter going?" She tugged at my arm, pointing at my best friend, who was being dragged away. I let out a shaky sigh and looked down at Latte.

"He's just..." I tried to make up a story so that Latte wouldn't worry too much. I didn't want to scare her with the fact that his father was probably going to take him and hurt him more. "He's just moving houses for now. Yeah.. He'll come back.."

"Okay!" She said. Latte ran back to the river near the hill. I turned back to look at Butter. He looked at me with hope in his eyes. I knew he was coming back. He promised.

...Right? He wouldn't break a promise...

I gently got off of my bed, being careful not to wake up the sleeping blonde in my bed. I walked over to my lab and went inside, closing the door behind me.

I walked over to my desk and opened the drawer, revealing all of my personal belongings inside. I pulled out my old journal and slowly opened it. The first few pages were about how my parents made me feel worthless.


Then I got to the page.

It's been 7 years and I'm 14 now. He still hasn't came back. My parents started excluding me and I haven't eaten a proper meal in a week. I don't think I can take it anymore. He was the only one who cared about me other than my sister. After losing him, I felt like I lost everything. He was special to me. And now he's gone. I don't think anyone would notice I'm gone... Right? My parents don't care even if I try. I study for hours with no sleep and get good grades, yet, they don't care. All they care about is my sister. They won't notice I'm gone, I'm sure of it! I think I'm gonna do it.

Espresso C. Bean

I stared at the page for a few moments and then turned to the next page. It was slightly burnt and torn around the edges.

I found the perfect place to do it. I'm going to do it today. I hope no one tries to stop me. I just want the pain to end. I hate it here. I hate my life. I hate my parents. I hate everyone. Why is the world so unfair? Why can't I just have a normal life with regular parents? I want that was Butter as well. He doesn't deserve to be treated as such by his father. He did nothing wrong.

Espresso C. Bean

I turned to the next page and saw a small note stuck in between the pages.

I finished writing the note I wanted to leave behind before I did want I wanted to do.

I snuck out of my house, hoping no one would follow me. While stuffing my note into my pocket, I felt as if I was being followed. But it didn't matter to me anyway, it's not like I'll still be alive after this. I hope.

I walked into the forest and headed to the bridge that was built over a river. I took out my note and set it on the floor, along with my glasses, indicating I was there. The note was signed by my name and the glasses were left behind as a memorial gift to anyone who finds it that knows me.

I stepped onto the railing of the bridge and took a deep breath, smiling to myself. Just as I was about to jump, someone yelled out my name.

"Espresso!! Wait!" I turned my head and faintly saw a figure running towards me. I was able to hear boots clacking on the ground. I couldn't tell who it was due to the fact that I took off my glasses. The figure grew closer to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me down.

"Ess, what are you doing?!" They picked up my glasses and put them back onto my face. I was able to see who the figure was clearly now. "I noticed you left the house without saying a word, so I followed you here." Latte said, concern and worry shown on her face.

"Why did you follow me?" I yanked my arm away from her grip. "Why do you even care?" She looked shocked and reached out to me.

"You're my brother! My family! Why wouldn't I care?" I scoffed and turned away from her. "Is that a joke? Our... No. Your parents neglected me, despite me being their son. What's the reason for that?! Is it because I'm adopted?!" I yelled at her.

She looked away and turned back to me. "But- Ess. Even if they don't care, I still do! It's not like they're the important ones. Your life is important." I shook my head. "I'm practically invisible to everyone. If not, they either bully me or look at me weird! You know who IS important? Butter! I haven't... seen.. him... in so long..."

I fell to the ground, leaning against the wall of the bridge and broke down. I wanted Butter back. Latte attempted to comfort me, but all I wanted at that moment was Butter. I grabbed the suicide note as Latte got me back up onto my feet, helping me walk home.

Once I came home, I immediately ran to my room and locked my door. I stuffed the note into my journal and threw it across my room. I climbed onto my bed and silently cried until I couldn't anymore.

The note read,

To whom ever is reading this, you're too late to save me now. I've had enough of this life. I just want to be happy. I want my best friend back and better parents. More friends and others who make me feel loved. But I guess it never happened. I feel hopeless inside and wish to not let it continue. So, I hope you're happy that I'm now out of all of your lives.

Espresso C. "crybaby" Bean

I flipped through the other pages, but they were all either torn off, scribbled on, or burnt. I slammed the journal shut and shoved it back into my drawer. I sat on the floor by my experiment table with my knees to my chest, slowly rocking myself back and forth.

I almost committed suicide.. If Latte wasn't there, I would've succeeded. But... How did Madeleine know I almost...? I heard my lab door creak open and froze.



Haha.. haha... ha..

1173 Words. 

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