.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3 .+.

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I sighed as I gently closed the door to my house after walking home from the café. As I passed through the kitchen in my house, making my way to my bedroom, I noticed something from the corner of my eye. I turned towards the kitchen and saw a white box on the dining table with a note on it. I walked over to the box and picked up the note to read it.

"Hii Madeleine!! Me and mom got you some of your favorite donuts! We visited the bakery earlier and thought you might've enjoyed these, since you work so hard everyday! Me and mom aren't gonna be home for a few days because we're going on a camping trip with my friends! I'll see you soon! Love you, big bro!!~Cream Puff Ü"

I smiled softly as I finished reading the note that my little sister had left for me. I picked up the box of donuts and took them to my room. While opening the box, an idea popped into my head. I took one donut and closed the box as I ate the donut I had taken.

After I had finished the donut, I went to go do my daily exercises before going to bed. An hour passed as I was finishing off doing my exercising and my nightly routine. I sighed as I jumped into bed to rest for the day. I couldn't stop thinking about Espresso and how he might've been doing for the past few years when my father took me away from him. I shuddered at the thought of my father.

He wasn't exactly the best cookie in my life. When I was a young cookie, he would... hurt me. He had always pushed me to be the most perfect cookie on Earthbread. But of course, there were consequences when I didn't listen to him. He would always hit me. Hard. Sometimes he would beat me until I bled. This happened nonstop for about 10 years until my mother divorced him. I was so glad he was finally gone. If he had found out I was bisexual, man who knew what could've happened to me.

My mind shifted onto thinking about Espresso, since I didn't want to remember my past relationships with my father. Espresso... I could think about you all day... His adorable little face and his attitude amused me.

I looked to the side of my bed, there was a framed picture of me and Espresso when we were younger on the bedside table. He was 7 and I was 8. This picture was taken 13 years ago, 2 months before my father had dragged me away from him. I had always admired how smart and amazing he was.

As I thought about Espresso, my eye lids slowly started to fall until I had completely fallen asleep.

.+. 7 AM .+.

I woke up to the sudden sound of my alarm clock beeping. I got up from my bed, stretching and yawning as I left my room to get ready for the day. Since I had the day off from work today, I thought maybe I could visit Espresso for a little while.

Once I had finished putting on my clothes and armor, I took the donut box from my room and carried it with me. Man, I couldn't wait to see Espresso today! I missed him so much within the past years. When I stepped outside of my house, I scanned the area for Latte. Latte... Latte... Oh! There! She was near the Fountain of Abundance talking to Raspberry.

I walked towards Latte and Raspberry. Raspberry noticed me and whispered something to Latte. Both of them then waved at me. "Hello Madeleine!" Latte and Raspberry greeted me as I reached them. "Hello Latte, hello Raspberry!" I smiled at them and then turned to Latte. "Latte, I have a question to ask you." She slightly tilted her head. "What is it?" "I was wondering if you knew were Espresso lives? I would like to visit him today!" I chuckled lightly. 

Latte smirked. "Yes, of course I know where he lives, he's my half brother!" She rolled her eyes playfully. "Come with me." She signaled us to follow her as she walked towards a small path with multiple houses along the sides. "Sooo... why do you want to visit Ess?" She asked, with a playful tone. I blush lightly. "I just wanna hang out with him is all.. I know he probably would kick me out but I hope I could at least try to befriend him." I replied.

We kept walking deeper into the path until Latte stopped at a slight dark color themed house near the end of the path. "We're here! Go ahead and talk to Ess, Madeleine, I'm gonna go hang out with Raspberry. I'll see you later!" Latte ran off holding onto Raspberry's hand. She seems to really like Raspberry.

I sighed and knocked on Espresso's door. After a few seconds, light footsteps could be heard from behind the door. The door slowly opened and Espresso popped his head out to see who had came to his house. As soon as he saw me, he scowled and immediately tried to slam the door but failed since I have stuck my foot in between the door. "What do you want?" he said, in a rather annoyed voice. I opened my mouth to speak but stopped as soon as I noticed the dark circles under his eyes.

Has he been sleeping? Gosh, he looks like he hasn't slept in days... "Well?" My thoughts were interrupted by Espresso, who seemed to be irritated. "My apologies, I just wanted to... well.. hang out with you..? Maybe?" I nervously responded. He paused for a second. "No, I have things to do.." He finally answered, hesitantly. "Please, Espresso! I can keep you company while you work! I'll- I'll be as quiet as I can be!"

We stared at each other for a second. Oh how lovely his eyes were. They were so beautiful and so pretty... I couldn't stop staring into them. "Perhaps that would be nice, I guess." He sighed and opened the door wide, welcoming me into his home.


Idk why but im getting mad at espresso for not remembering madeleine even tho im writing this- HELP

1043 Words. 

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