.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 22 .+.

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"Here goes!" Madeleine lifted the glass to his mouth and chugged the wine. I watched in complete shock as he did so.

He slammed both glasses down onto the table once he had finished drinking them. "T-There. I finished it!" He wiped his mouth with his wrist. "How you feelin', Madeleine? You don't usually drink." Sparkling asked, with a small look of concern on his face.

"I'm fine... I promise you, I am." He let out a small sigh and mumbled something. His voice was slightly different. He shook his head and hiccupped. "Alright, then.. What should we do now?" Latte asked.

"We should watch a movie!" Herb suggested. Madeleine and Raspberry agreed with him. "What movie should we watch?" Sparkling looked at Herb and then at Latte.

"I have a ton of movies we could watch! One sec, let me get the TV remote." She went to the shelf and looked around for it. Madeleine turned his attention to me.

"What do you wanna watch, Essie?" He smiled softly and played around with my hair for a little bit. "Anything that you'd want to watch is fine with me." I replied, scooting closer to him.

"We should watch a horror!" Raspberry shouted out. Latte walked back to where she was before and sat down. "Does everyone agree on horror?" Everyone nodded their heads.

She turned on the TV with the remote and looked for the horror section. "Which one should we watch?"

As everyone voted on what to watch, I zoned out for a few minutes. I wasn't paying attention to reality until Madeleine whispered into my ear softly, "Espresso?~"

His voice caught me off guard. My face was heating up. "Madeleine? What was that?!" I whispered back at him. He looked at me in confusion.

"What was what?" I pulled him down so that our faces were close to each other. Looking directly into his eyes, "Your voice.. It..." For once, I wasn't able to find the words to describe it.

I felt my ears burning. "Did I make you flustered?~ It seems you're a bit.. red..~" Hearing Latte and Raspberry giggle, I knew they got what they wanted to happen.

I was a little irritated by them but then out of nowhere, Madeleine kissed me. ..Huh? I noticed Latte was taking photos of us. I swear I'm gonna kill you Latte!!

He pulled away and lifted my chin up. "Madeleine.. please-" He cut me off, "Come on, I know you liked that, Essie~" Oh god. What is he doing?! Well.. I'd have to admit, I kind of enjoyed it while it lasted..

I gently pushed his face away. "We should get to watching to movie now." I quickly said with a small feeling of nervousness and butterflies inside of me.

Herb giggled lightly and nodded. "Turn on the movie that we voted for, Latte! I heard it's a good one." Sparkling said. Vampire fell asleep on his shoulder again.

Latte nodded and pressed a few buttons on the remote to get to the movie. As everyone quiet down and got more comfortable, it started to play on the TV.

"I'll go get some popcorn for you guys. Any of you want anything else?" Latte asked, looking at each of us. "Can you brew a cup of coffee for me? I would appreciate it if you did."

I glared at her. It seemed like she got the message and quickly nodded. "Anything else?" Sparkling, Herb, and Raspberry shook their heads and turned back to the screen. Latte walked out of the room and into the kitchen, leaving us with the movie.

A couple of minutes in, Herb seemed to already be shaking. I honestly didn't find horror movies that scary. I looked around again until I felt arms wrapped around my waist.

Madeleine pulled me onto his lap and leaned his head onto the back of my neck. I felt multiple mixed emotions at that time. He moved his hands lower, making me feel a little bit of excitement.

But why...? I usually wouldn't let anyone do this, but.. I don't feel like stopping him at all. He nuzzled my neck and pulled me closer to himself. I curled up into his lap and leaned on his chest while watching the movie.

I was able to hear his heartbeat clearly. I smiled softly, knowing he loves me as I loved him. I never wanted him to leave. I hope he doesn't.

Latte walked back into the room and handed out 3 bowls filled with popcorn. She handed me my cup of coffee while doing that as well. "Thank you," I whispered to her.

She smiled and nodded, walking back to her seat with Raspberry. Madeleine held me close as we watched the movie. I drank some of my coffee and asked if Madeleine wanted any.

He hesitated for a bit and then smirked. He bent down slightly and whispered, "Why when I could drink you?~"

After processing what he had said, I could feel myself glowing red. Madeleine seemed satisfied by my reaction and kissed my forehead.

A few screams and laughter had passed and the movie was over. I set down my empty cup on the table and looked at Latte. "What should we do now?" She asked.

I looked back at Madeleine, who fell asleep holding me. I smiled a little. He looks so gorgeous. Even when asleep. I can understand why people can't resist him now.

"I think I might have to get Vampire home for him to rest." Sparkling looked at Vampire and then back at Latte. Herb nodded and got off of his lap.

"Oh! Well alright then. Thank you all for coming! It was fun while it lasted." She chuckled. Sparkling and Herb said their goodbyes as they carried Vampire along with them.

Latte turned to me. "Are you leaving too? It seems your boyfriend is sleepy." Raspberry giggled as Latte spoke. I scowled and stood up, crossing my arms.

"I guess so. Well, I should leave you two alone then, hm? Thank you for today, I enjoyed it." Latte and Raspberry blushed.

I carried Madeleine on my back again, since he was sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up, knowing that he was drunk earlier, he needed sleep for now.

I walked back home with the blonde on my back until... Some kind of purple smoke filled the air. I immediately felt weak and tired. A few seconds later, I passed out.


I have no idea what I'm writing at this point lol

1085 Words. 

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