.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 18 .+.

56 1 1



Espresso fell asleep while I cuddled him closely. I smiled to myself, knowing that he's able to fall asleep when I'm around, which means I could help him gain more sleep.

I really hated it when Espresso didn't eat or sleep. I know he wanted to reserve the time to work on his experiments or whatever, but that doesn't mean he should just stop sleeping and eating. It's unhealthy and dangerous!

I was glad I was able to help take care of him. I kissed his forehead and He smiled a little as he slept. I was debating on whether or not I should stay with him. I don't really wanna leave. Plus, I told my mother already so...

I stayed next to Espresso, closing my eyes, attempting to fall asleep. Though, I was still caught up in my thoughts about my father. I sighed and tried to fall asleep but instead found myself lying wide awake.

I noticed that Espresso was shaking a little, so I pulled the sheets over him and snuggled closer. I thought about how my father had tried to kill me. Right in front of Espresso.

That probably scared Espresso. I really didn't want him to see that. My father's most likely going to come back for me soon. He acts like an amazing person around large crowds but in reality, he's a complete... Well, you know.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally was able to fall asleep.




I suddenly woke up from a small noise I heard. It sounded like crying. I opened my eyes to see Madeleine silently crying, though he seemed to be asleep.

I slowly sat up and looked for my glasses. It was still dark. I turned on a lamp by my bedside after I had put on my glasses. I gently shook Madeleine, attempting to wake him up.

"Madeleine?" I shook him again, but he didn't wake up.




I woke up in a dark void and sat up. "Hello..? Where am I?" I quickly sat up and looked around, but it was all black. I couldn't see anything or anyone other than just me.

Out of nowhere, I began hearing small laughs. "Who are you? Where are you? Show yourself!" I stood up, getting defensive. "Who I am doesn't matter..." The voice said. It was a familiar voice but I couldn't recognize whose it was.

"Aren't you funny? You thought you could get rid of me so easily? Madeleine, I always come back." The voice said. I looked around again. "Who's there?!"

They snickered. "Don't you remember? If you don't, then you don't need to know who I am. Just focus on your little group of friends here..."

Suddenly, a small scene appeared before me. There stood the younger Espresso on the edge of a bridge, looking down into the water below him. "...Espresso..?" I whispered. He placed a a small piece of paper on the railing of the bridge and smiled.

I widened my eyes as I realized what he was about to do. Tears filled my eyes as I tried to run over to him but... "...I- I can't move.. WHY CAN'T I MOVE?! ESPRESSO! PLEASE-" He didn't hear me. Why... Why is this happening?!

Espresso took off his glasses and set them down by the note. He took a deep breath and... and.. a-and...

Tears streamed down my face as I watched him jump off and fall into the water, causing a huge splash. I wanted to save him but I couldn't move. The scene faded away and Latte appeared.

"You couldn't save him. What's wrong with you?!" Latte screamed at me. I tried to speak but I couldn't. I just couldn't. I couldn't face them.

"I hate you, Madeleine! You're the reason why my brother died!" She yelled. "Fucking brat..." Latte mumbled. I gripped onto my hair and fell to my knees. My eyes wide as I cried non-stop. Why me..?

As they yelled at me, I came to realize, they sounded like my father. Using "brat" and "worthless" or "piece of shit." Words that my father often used.

Then it all went silent.





I immediately sat straight up after I had woken up. I was crying and hyperventilating. It was just a nightmare, you idiot. "Madeleine, are you alright?" Espresso put his hands on my arm and looked at me with concern.

I wiped my tears and looked at Espresso, blinking twice. "..Espresso...! You're alright!" I hugged him tightly. "Of course, I'm alright. Why would you think I wouldn't be?" 

I pulled away from the hug. He gently moved a strand of hair out of my face and wiped my remaining tears. "...I- It was just... a bad dream. That's all.. I'm just glad you're perfectly fine now!" I plastered a smile onto my face.

He looked at me like he didn't believe me. "Madeleine, you know you can tell me anything, right?" He said, cupping my cheek with one hand. My smile faded and I looked away.

"I know... It's just- I... You were..." I couldn't find the right words to tell him. "Take your time. It's okay if you don't want to tell me, Madeleine." He assured me.

"No, no! It's fine, it's just.. You jumped... off a bridge in my nightmare," was all I was able to say. He froze for a moment and then looked at me. "I failed to protect you." I began to tear up again.

"It's alright, Madeleine, I'm still here with you. I'll be alright I promise." He leaned forward gave me a small kiss on my cheek. "I... I feel ashamed for not being able to save you."

"It's okay, Maddie. I'm here with you now. It's not your fault. Plus, it was just a nightmare. I'm still here with you physically. Now, we should go back to bed, hm?" I nodded.

"Thank you, Espresso. Thank you so much." I could never do anything without Espresso. He was my everything.

Me and Espresso laid back down. He kissed my forehead and then snuggled into my chest. "Goodnight, Essie! I love you..."

"Goodnight, Madeleine. I love you too. I'll never leave you. Ever."


Espresso backstory next chapter lol

+might be ending story at chapter 30

If espresso is a caffeine addict due to him drinking a lot of coffee, wouldnt madeleine also be a caffeine addict? He loves espresso a whole lot and he also follows him everywhere so... If you think about it, madeleines also a caffeine addict👀👀/hj 

1043 Words.

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