.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 11 .+.

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I woke up on my bed, curled up against something warm. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking for my glasses on my bedside table. I put the glasses on my face, my vision becoming more clearer doing so.

I blinked a few times and looked to my side. Madeleine was laying by me. Wait- MADELEINE?!- I lightly blushed. Madeleine groaned and rubbed his eyes. "..Espresso? Ah.. Good morning, Essie.." He said in a tired voice. His tired voice... I snapped back into reality.

"Madeleine, why are you in my bed?! What did I do yesterday..?" Madeleine sat up and looked at me confused. "Did you forget? I was about to go sleep on the couch but you stopped me and told me that you could share a bed. Although, while you were sleeping, you seemed to be mumbling something."

Ah... It was just a dream. Thank god. Wait- I felt myself heat up. I got out of my bed and walked to the bathroom.

I turned on the faucet and splashed cold water on my face. Damnit, Espresso! What are you doing? I sighed and dried my face off with a towel nearby. Madeleine opened the door to the bathroom and peeked inside. "Hey, Essie, are you alright?"

I looked away from Madeleine. "Yes, yes, everything's completely fine... I'm going to go to my lab, now." I opened the door widely so that I was able to get out, but Madeleine blocked my way. "Wait... Espresso," 

"What is it now, Madeleine? State your business in less than a minute, I have work that I need to get to." I grumbled. Madeleine nodded. "Espresso, can... can we hang out later today..?" He slightly turned his head away from me and avoided eye contact. He had a pink hue on his face.

I stared at him for a bit. What is he planning now?? "Fine. What time do you want to hang out.." He turned to look at me and smiled. His eyes were practically sparkling with excitement. "Let's go to that hill we used to play at when we were younger at 2pm!"

"The one with the field of daisies?" I asked. "Yeah, that one!" He replied in a happy tone. "Alright. I'll make sure I'll get ready at 1:30." Madeleine moved out of the doorway and went into the bathroom after I walked out. 

I went into my lab to get more of my experiment done. About an hour later, I looked at the clock. It's only 11am.. I sighed and stared blankly at my notes on the chalkboard. I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

I can't seem to focus today... What's wrong with me?! I was about to grab a book from the shelf until I heard knocking at the door. I quietly walked over to it and opened it, sticking my head outside so I could see who it was. "Hey, Espresso! Sorry if I interrupted your work... I made some coffee for you!" Madeleine handed me a cup that was filled with coffee.

I stared at it and then looked back up at him. "Don't worry, I didn't put anything else in it. It's just plain coffee, just how you like it!" I sighed and gave him a soft smile. "Thank you, Madeleine. I appreciate it.." I took the cup and drank from it. Surprisingly, it tasted better than the café's coffee.

I smiled at him. "It's perfect. How did you make this? It's got quite a delectable taste." He chuckled and smiled back at me. "Just a couple of things is all... Is it really that good?"

I nodded. "Again, thank you for this, Maddie." I bowed and stepped back inside. "Of course! Anything for... a friend." He sighed and walked away. I closed the door and walked to the book shelf.

After reading for a while, I seemed to have lost track of time. I closed my book and looked up at the clock. 1:27 already... I guess I should go get ready now.

I stood up and put the book back in its place. I exited my lab, going to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I had finished, I came out and went to the closet in my room. I looked around and saw a hoodie similar to the one I used to wear when I was little. But this one was bigger on me.

I took it out and slipped it on. I wore my usual black pants and shoes. I'm thinking it's a normal friendly hangout, so I don't need to wear anything special... Right?

I walked out of the room to see Madeleine sitting on the couch in a white shirt with an unbuttoned yellow flannel over it and some jeans.

He looked over to me and smiled. "Are you ready to go?" I nodded as he stood up from the couch. Madeleine opened the front door and held it for me so that I could walk out. Once we were both out, I made sure my house was locked and then we started walking to the hill.

"I can't wait to visit the hill again! It's been so long ever since we've been there.." Madeleine said to me. "It has been quite a while.." I stuffed my hands into my pocket.

The hill was where we went if we wanted a place to escape from reality and relax in the calm, peaceful space. After a few minutes of walking, we made it to the hill.

It was still covered in white daisies like it used to look like before. Me and Madeleine sat down in a spot under a tree.

Madeleine sighed and closed his eyes. "This brings back so many memories from our childhood..." He suddenly sat straight up and looked at me, smiling widely.

"Espresso! Let's make flower crowns! I learned how to make them very well and I can teach you!" I turned to look at him. "...Sure.." I looked off to the side, blushing a little.

After we had finished making them, I put mine on Madeleine's head. Madeleine smiled warmly and put his on my head.

"...Essie?" He looked down and began to fidget with his hands. "I've been meaning to tell you something..."

I tilted my head curiously. "What is it, Madeleine?" He took both of my hands and held them in his. His hands are so soft and warm...

He looked directly into my eyes and sighed, a tint of pink appearing across his face.

"Essie.. I think I.. I lik- no. I'm in love with you."


I honestly have no idea what im writing- i know its complete shit
I need more sleep so I might pause the story for a little while lmaoao
hope yall still like it tho

1107 Words. 

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