.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 29 .+.

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It's already morning and I haven't slept a wink ever since two days ago. Still laying in bed, I decide whether or not I should get up.

I sighed, knowing that I had tons of work to do. I decided to get myself a cup of hot coffee before doing anything. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, looking for my glasses on the bedside table.

I stared at the bedsheets. I miss the mornings with Madeleine by my side. It just doesn't feel the same. Forcing myself not to cry, I stepped out of bed and did my morning routine.

Once I had finished, I brewed a fresh cup of coffee in the kitchen. As I drank my morning coffee, I stared blankly at the floor. Face it. He's not coming back.

I closed my eyes and exhaled. Suddenly, there was a knock at my door. I set down my cup and went to see who it was.


.+. LATTE'S POV .+.


I knocked on Espresso's door, hoping he'd answer. I came to his house to check up on him and probably stay with him the whole day to make sure he was doing alright. Luckily, the door clicked open and Espresso peeked out.

"...Do you need something?" He asked nonchalantly. I noticed dark circles had formed under his eyes. He seemed to have not been sleeping again.

"May I come in?" He quietly nods and allows me inside his small house, closing the door behind me. I look around his house, making sure everything seemed normal, which it did. Nothing seemed to be off at all.

"You haven't been sleeping. Are you sure you're okay, Ess?" I turn around to face him. He held a steaming cup of coffee in his hands, taking one off the cup to adjust his glasses.

"I'm fine." He replies, showing no clear emotion. Putting my hands on my hips, I stare at him in disbelief. "...I can't guarantee that I'm completely fine, but I'm doing okay."

Avoiding my eye contact, he takes a sip if his coffee and looks at the bookshelf in the room.

"Espresso, please," I walk closer to him. "Let me help you through this. I know it's hard but I'll be with you the whole way." He riveted his attention back towards me.

"Latte, I told you, I'm fine." He replied bluntly. Espresso set down his empty cup on the table and sighed.

I knew Espresso very well. He's a very independent person. He wouldn't talk about his problems unless they were close to him. Though, it takes a few tries since he can be a little stubborn sometimes.

"Come on, Ess! You can talk to me, I'm your sister," He crosses his arms and blinks a few times. "Well— half sister, but you get the point. Please, Espresso. I want to help you through this."

He closes his eyes and sighs. Sorrow clearly visible in his eyes when he opens them. "I know you want to help me,"

He diverted his eyes back to the bookshelf. It was like there was something interesting about it. "But it would be better if I was left alone for a little while." He finishes his sentence.

I stare at him, no words coming out of my mouth. "But if you really don't want to leave me alone," He stepped towards the bookshelf and pulled out a maroon book with three gold lines on the spine

As he held it, I took a closer look at it. It had the symbol of an eye on it in gold, just like many of the other symbols in his lab.

Espresso sat down onto the couch and tapped the seat next to him, signaling for me to sit down, which I did. When he opened the book, multiple photos laid out on the pages.

They were photos of him and Madeleine, starting from when they were young. I glanced back up at Espresso. He seemed to be holding back tears.




I stared at the photos. I miss you Madeleine, I fucking miss you so much. Come back. I need you. You're alive right? I felt tears forming, but I refused to cry.

I need to stay strong. For him. The same warm presence from yesterday cuddled around me. It felt like familiar and comforting.

"You miss Madeleine, don't you?" Latte suddenly asked. Well, no shit Sherlock. Instead of voicing my thoughts out-loud, I just gave her a small nod.

"I'm sure he misses you too. He's probably watching us from above right now." I know he is. I can feel the same warmth as I used to when we cuddled. Specifically at the spot where I am.

"It's getting late, Latte. You probably have stuff to do so you should probably head home now." I say quietly.

"Are you sure you don't need anything else?" Latte asks, looking at me with concern. I nod, "I'll be fine, thank you."

I'm not fine. Stop denying it. Stop saying you're okay. "Alright then.. I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodbye, Ess."

I told her goodbye as I led her out the door. As soon as I closed the door, my gaze darted back towards the photo book. I quickly picked up the book and shoved it back in its place on the shelf.

It's your fault, Espresso. You're the reason why he's gone. I shook my head slightly as I walked back to my room. I noticed something on my bed. Curious and confused, I walked over to it.

 It was a picture of.. me? I was surrounded by many flowers, smiling. I had a flower crown on my head. I knew where this was. It was when I hung out with Madeleine at the hill. The day he confessed, I believe.

At the bottom of the photo, a small fancy heart was drawn in blue. It was exactly how Madeleine drew his hearts.

My lips curved into a small smile, which immediately faltered afterwards. I sighed and placed it on my bedside, along with my glasses beside it.

I flopped down onto my bed and closed my eyes, the same warmth from earlier hugging me. I curled up on my bed and yawned. I couldn't help myself as I felt so comfortable.

Not too long after, I seemed to have fallen asleep.


I love you, Espresso.



1064 Words.

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