.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 26 .+.

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"Wake up, idiots! Your two days are up, Espresso. Khehehe..." I flinched hard hearing the voice. Madeleine rubbed my back to try to calm me down, which helped a little.

I heard the cage door open. I pressed my thighs against Madeleine's legs and hugged him tight, squeezing my eyes shut. I didn't want to leave him.

"So are you joining us or what?" Licorice said in a harsh tone. I began trembling, afraid of what might happen next. I didn't want Madeleine to see this side of me, but I couldn't help it.

I didn't know what to do. Leave my childhood best friend, who is now my boyfriend, and join the Dark Side or suffer the consequences? It was too difficult to choose. I didn't want to lose him but I didn't want to go back to them again either.

Licorice growled and mumbled something. Then, I heard two pairs of footsteps approach us. What were they going to do to me? What about Madeleine? Don't hurt me.. Please..


  .+. MADELEINE'S POV .+. 


I watch as the two that I had fought with my team back in the forest approach us. Espresso trembled in my arms. I held him close to me, trying my best to quietly comfort him.

"Espresso, this is your last chance to answer before we do things the hard way." Licorice impatiently crossed his arms and glared are us.

The other person, whose name is apparently Red Velvet, had one arm on his hips. The other had a huge blade-like sword in his hand.

Licorice suddenly snapped. He yanked Espresso away from me and dragged him across the cage. Espresso's eyes flew wide open in panic. He began hyperventilating, tears forming in his eyes.

"Velvet." Licorice said, giving me a cruel smile. Red Velvet nodded and immediately swung the sword's blade up against my neck, grazing my skin ever so slightly. The quick action caused me to slightly tilt my head upwards.

I'm back in this position again, huh? I guess this is the end. I smiled. If one of us was going to die, I hope I die first. Just for him.

"MADELEINE!!" Espresso shouted in a shaky voice. An endless stream of tears began rolling down his cheeks. I've never seen him like this before. Is it because...

"So what's it gonna be, Espresso?" Licorice snickered. I hated their methods of getting people to agree. This was just straight up cruel and unfair.

Espresso looked at me. I nodded, hoping he'd get my message. He let out a shaky sigh and spoke, "Fine. But you have to let Madeleine go."

He looked at me once more and I smiled at him. "Good choice. I can't say that I promise though. Velvet, let the moron live."

Red Velvet nodded and lowered his weapon. I let out a sigh of relief and looked at Espresso, who seemed to be in a complete mess right now. Licorice tossed him onto the floor like he was an object.

"When you're ready, go to mother's throne room. She'd like to speak with you." The two of them left, leaving the cage door unlocked. Espresso wiped his tears and fixed his hair. It seemed like he forced himself to stop crying.

He stood up and faced the exit of the cage, dusting his clothes off. "I'll be back for you, Madeleine. Don't try to escape, it'll be difficult for one to do so on their own. Farewell, Madeleine."

His tone was cold and harsh, though slightly shaky. It felt like a stab to the heart. But then, I heard him whisper, "I love you." He left and locked the cage back up, leaving me alone.

I know he'll be back for me. He wouldn't leave me here. I hope.

I'll make it out just fine once he comes back and helps me... Right?




I walked out of the prisoners room and walked down the hallway towards Dark Enchantress' throne room.

Back in hell again. Well, my life was already hell anyways. It only got better when Butter Madeleine was back in my life. Why did I have to end up here again? I just hope 'Mother' doesn't hurt me or Madeleine.

 As I entered the room, I noticed a few other people were in there as well, besides Dark Enchantress herself.

Red Velvet and Licorice were playing with cake hounds in one corner, Poison Mushroom was going around with shroomies in his hands, and Pomegranate was looking into her mirror.'

Dark Enchantress sat in her huge throne at the back of the room. I walked towards her as she watched me with a sly grin.

"Why, hello my dear Espresso. I haven't seen you in two years! Where have you gone?" I glared at her with rage and hatred. "Shut up. You don't have the right to speak to me like that."

She widened her eyes for a few seconds but then relaxed them. Her eyes told me she was up to no good. "That isn't how you talk to your own mother, now is it? Show some respect."

I stood there and crossed my arms, annoyed. "And what if I don't obey?" She smiled and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, Madeleine fell in front of her. "What the.. Where am I?"




Huh...? Wasn't I literally just in the cage a few seconds ago? I tried to get up but then I felt a heavy force slam me back down onto the floor.

I felt a sharp pain as someone jabbed their heel onto my back. I attempted to get up again but they were able to keep me down.

"Fine! I'll do whatever you say, mother. Please, let him go, don't hurt him." Espresso glanced down at me, fear in his eyes. Dark Enchantress let out a loud, wicked laugh.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, my dear."



985 Words. 

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