.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13 .+.

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Madeleine stared at me in shock for a bit. "You... You really mean it?" I nodded my head and gave him a sincere smile. His face immediately lit up.

He pounced onto me and kissed me on the lips. He was acting like an excited cake hound. I melted into the kiss. I loved the feeling of his lips on mine. I never wanted it to end

He pulled back and was sitting on top of me. I couldn't believe I had fallen for this moron. "I love you Essie!" He said, smiling widely. I let out a small laugh and slowly sat up.

"Alright, alright, I love you too.." I gave him a small kiss on his cheek. His face tinted a more rosy pink color. "We should get going now. It's getting pretty late."

Madeleine nodded and stood up, allowing me to get back up on my feet. I held onto Madeleine's arm as we walked back to my house. He was so warm... I'd never thought I'd be dating him like this! He's way out of my league.

We walked to my house and I opened the front door, letting Madeleine inside first. Just as I had walked inside, Madeleine's phone rang.

He answered the phone, putting it up to his ear. "Hey, mom! ... Really? Oh! I'm at uhh..." He looked at me with an unsure expression and I mouthed "friend's house" to him. He nodded.

"I'm at a friend's house! Is it okay if I spend the night here for today? ... Okay, thanks mom! I'll see you tomorrow!" He hung up the phone and turned to me. "What was that about?" I asked.

"Nothing much, my mom just came home from her camping trip with Cream Puff and her friends. She said I can sleep over here for today!" Madeleine smiled happily and hugged me. I snuggled against his chest as he did so.

"Wow... It's already 8pm. Time flies when you're having fun, huh!" I looked over at the clock. "Yeah.." Madeleine let go of me and looked at me. "You know... We have to go to sleep.."

I groaned and shook my head. "Maddie, I have work to do.. I can't-" Madeleine gently put a finger up against my lips, which caused me to stop talking immediately. "Espresso, you still need rest. I promise, your research stuff will still be there by tomorrow! C'mon... Do it for me?"

He gave me his puppy eyes, which I couldn't resist. "Fine... But only because it's for you." I sighed and he smiled widely. That was part of the reason... I wanted to feel his warmth around me. He was so comfortable..

Suddenly, he picked me up bridal style and headed to my bedroom. "Hey! Put me down! I can walk you know!!" I tried to move around and get off. Madeleine just smiled gently and kept walking.

Once he had entered my room, he put me down gently on my bed. "I'm going to go change, alright? Ill be back, sweet bean!" He walked out of the room, leaving me seated on the bed and staring at the wall.

uh? Wait, sweet bean? I giggled lightly at the nickname. I went to my closet and changed into a black short sleeved shirt with some shorts and crawled onto my bed.

 I yawned and looked at a pillow. I guess I do feel kind of sleepy... Madeleine came back into my room and looked at me. He was wearing a white shirt and shorts that went down to his knees.

I stared at his scars and bandages on his legs. I had always hated Madeleine's father as much as he did. I honestly wanted to protect him and give him all the love and care he deserves.

When Madeleine first told me about his father when he was younger, I was absolutely terrified and disgusted. No body deserved to be treated like that.I hugged my knees to my chest, thinking about it.

Madeleine sat on the bed with me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Is everything alright, sweet bean?" I looked at him and blinked. "...I hate him." He slightly tilted his head in confusion.

"I hate him. I hate your father. I hope he dies the most painful death ever. You don't deserve how you were treated back then." I turned away and looked down at the bed sheets. Madeleine pulled me into another hug.

"Me too, Essie. You don't deserve the neglect that your parents give you either! You're a great person. The smartest and most admirable person I know! I appreciate you caring for me. I'm sure he won't be back in my life anytime soon! ...I hope.." He kissed my forehead and pushed me down onto the bed with him.

I scooted closer to him as he spooned me. His arms wrapped around my waist. He gave my neck a small kiss and snuggled against me. I could feel an explosion of butterflies in my stomach. I took off my glasses and placed it on my bedside.

"Goodnight, Essie. I love you..~" He whispered into my ear. I blushed a little. "Goodnight, I love you too, Maddie..." He nuzzled my neck gently.

Oh god... I loved this feeling. Is this what love feels like? If so, I don't ever want it to end... I closed my eyes and relaxed myself, feeling Madeleine's warm body wrapped around me.

He mumbled something and moved his hands lower. I could feel myself heating up as I let it happen. He stopped for a few minutes and loosened his grip on my waist. I assumed he had fallen asleep and scooted closer to him.

He's so comfortable... I kind of wished that dream was real.. A little while later, I slowly started drifting off to sleep as Madeleine slept peacefully next to me. I love you Madeleine. I'll always love you. Forever.



Anyways, hey yall sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday! I had to sleep early for my surgery today😭 
Hope ya enjoyed this story so far hehe

990 Words.

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