.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7 .+.

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I walked back into my house and looked over at Latte, who was sitting on the couch texting someone. I walked over and sat beside her, peeking over her shoulders.

"Who are you texting?" I asked, curiously. "I'm just texting Raspberry before she goes to patrol the forest with Madeleine, Milk, Yam, and Herb." She replied, tapping away at her phone, not even glancing once at me.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Of course it's Raspberry. I stood up from the couch. "I'm gonna go do some stuff in my lab, alright, Latte? If you need something, knock on my door. Don't suddenly go in without knocking." I growled and glared at her.

She nodded, still tapping away on her phone. Sheesh, is this girl even listening? Whatever, I have other things to do than scold my half sister.

I headed into my lab to resume doing my experiments.




I sighed as I leaned against a tree with my hands crossed while scanning the forest. Raspberry was on her phone while Milk and Yam were walking around, talking to each other while keeping watch. Herb was looking at plants that were around the area.

Raspberry stood up and put away her phone while heading towards me. "Madeleine, have you spotted anything suspicious so far?"

I shook my head, "No, not yet." I looked around one more time until I heard something shuffling around in the bushes.

I darted my head towards the sound. Nothing. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but it won't hurt to check, right?

"Hey, Raspberry, call the rest of the team to get ready. We're going to watch another area." I signaled her to the others. She nodded and went off to tell them.

I carefully stepped closer to the bushes getting ready to pull out my sword if I needed it.

Carefully and slowly, I moved the branches of the bushes to the side. I peeked into the bush and saw one of Licorice's henchmen. It didn't see me thankfully, as it was facing away from where I was.

"Madeleine! I've gathered the team, shall we go?" I jumped in shock and quickly turned my head around to face the hot pink cookie that stood behind me.

I stood up and nodded, leading the group towards the direction of the area. Suddenly, Licorice and another cookie, whom I did not recognize jumped out in front of us.

Licorice gave us a sly smirk while the red cookie with long back hair fading into red and some red streaks in his hair crossed his arms. He had a cake arm. That's odd, is he part cake?

"What do you guys want?" Raspberry growled at them, pulling out her sword. I did the same, along with my shields. "Why, nothing much of course, we're just here to steal something important." Licorice darted his eyes at the kingdom and back at us.

We knew exactly what they had wanted. "We aren't going to give it to you so easily, you know." I said, scowling. "Oh, we know, that's why we're here to fight you." The red cookie smirked and pointed at us.

"RISE, MY BEASTS! ATTACK!" Suddenly, a stampede of cake hounds emerged from the bushes and charged towards us.

We began fighting them off one after another with Herb healing our injuries. Using my shield to block off some of them cake hounds while I fought them back helped a lot. We were doing pretty well but then I heard Licorice laugh.

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