.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17 .+.

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I gently opened the door and quietly entered my house. "Big bro is back!" Hearing Cream Puff speaking excitedly all of a sudden made me flinch lightly.

"Hey, Lil Puff!" I opened my arms and she ran into me, giving me a hug. "Where's mom?" I asked as I pulled away from her. "She's in her room taking a rest!"

"Oh well, alright. Have you eaten yet?" Cream Puff nodded and gave me that look with sparkles in her eyes. I walked into the kitchen to prepare myself dinner. Cream Puff followed and went up to me.

"Soo?? What did you and Professor Espresso do?! I wanna know!!" She pulled my arm, jumping up and down.

I sighed and looked away to hide my blush. "We didn't do much, we just hung out is all." Cream Puff let out a groan of disappointment. "Are you sure?? Not even a peck on the lips?"

I froze for a second, remembering the kiss. I knew exactly how he had tasted. Just like coffee, obviously, but it was addicting. I wanted to kiss him again. "Hellooo? Earth to big bro!" She waved her hand in front of my face.

I shook my head lightly and looked at her. "Sorry, I spaced out for a second." She gasped and pointed at me. "You're blushing! Wait... but then..." She gave me a huge smile and starting singing,

"Espresso and Madeleine sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes....." She kept singing on but I didn't really listen, since I was getting lost in thought about other things.

Oh how I had missed Espresso so much already.... Perhaps I could just... I shook that thought out of my head. You're crazy, Madeleine! That was probably just a one time thing. ...but I want more.

I wanted him more than anything. I wanted to give him the world. I sat down at the dining table with my plate of food, beginning to eat it. "Madeleine, how did you and Professor meet?" Cream Puff suddenly asked as she stared at me with big eyes.

I looked up at her once I finished swallowing my food. "Ah, well- I met him when you weren't born yet! One day, mom took me to the park to play and escape from my father.." I remembered that day clearly.

My father would drink alcohol whenever he wasn't out in public. Most of the time, it ended up badly. "I ran around the park until I spotted Espresso sitting alone in a field of daises. I sat down beside him and well... We just started talking and became friends!"

I stood up to go wash my plate. "You knew him since you were little?!" She gasped and immediately ran upstairs. I wondered what she was doing. After I had finished doing the dishes, I went to my room and picked up my phone to text Espresso.

< My little coffee bean💕


Hey espresso !
Today at 8:43 pm

My little coffee bean💕

Hello, Madeleine.

Do you need something?
Today at 8:46 pm


No, i don't really need anything important I just missed you❤

Remember to go to sleep today ! You need to catch up on sleep a lot
Today at 8:46 pm

My little coffee bean💕

Yeah, yeah. But what if I don't?
Today at 8:46 pm


Then ill go over there and force you to sleep :)
Today at 8:47 pm

My little coffee bean💕


Why do you care about me so much?
Today at 8:47 pm 


Because i love you~😚
Today at 8:47 pm

I sighed and set down my phone. I really do hope he gets some sleep tonight. I stood up and went to go do my nightly routine before going to bed. 




..He cares about me. Someone other than my half sister cares about me...? I put my phone on my desk and stood up. It's not like he'll know if I don't sleep or not..

I grabbed a few paper towels from the equipment drawer and cleaned the spillage on my lab desk. Once I had finished, I disposed of the towel.

I took a test tube filled with a couple shots of coffee and poured it into the beaker. The coffee settled into the chemical mixture and fizzled a little.

I wrote down some equations on my notebook until I noticed Latte watching from the corner of my eye. "What are you doing here, Latte?!"

She giggled a little bit. "I was checking up on you, you're supposed to be sleeping at this hour anyway." Ugh... At this point, why don't you just move in already. "Sometimes I wonder why you don't live with me. Instead, you take the time to walk all the way over to my house and check if I'm sleeping."

"Well, that may be more convenient but I think that you'd probably like to live alone." She crossed her arms and glared at me. "I'm not going to bed, if that's what you're thinking. No way."

Suddenly, someone was knocking at my front door. "Latte, could you get that for me?" She smiled and walked out of my lab, closing the door behind her. I took my beaker and added another substance into it, hoping it would work. I quickly set it down just in case it would explode again.

Just as I was about to write something down on my notebook again, the door to the lab slammed open, making me jump a little. "What the heck, Latte?!-" I turned my head to the door and saw Madeleine standing there with Latte behind him.

"Madeleine?! Wha- What are you doing here?" He put his hands on his hips and looked at me. Latte giggled. "I texted Madeleine that you wouldn't go to bed." I set down my notebook and pen on my desk. "But-" 

"No buts! You must sleep, Espresso. You need it!" Madeleine tried to reason with me, but I didn't want to listen. I crossed my arms and pouted, looking away. Madeleine walked towards me and picked me up bridal style.

"Hey!- Let me go! I still need to finish my experiment!! Mad-" He simply smiled at me and softly whispered, "No." The tone of his voice somehow made me flustered, leaving me speechless. He left my lab, bringing me to my room and laid me down gently onto my bed. 

Latte signaled Madeleine to come with her, possibly to talk. He nodded and whispered to me, "I'll be back, my love." I hate Madeleine so much... How is he able to get me to do things I don't usually want to do..?

A few moments later, Madeleine came back into my room, closing the door. He laid down next to me. "Why are you still here?" I asked. He flicked off the lights and turned to me. "I just want you to get as much sleep as you can. I wanna make sure you sleep." He softly smiled at me. 

I snuggled closer to him. I loved feeling his warmth. Not too long after, I began drifting off to sleep.


cries in not publishing the chapter earlier

1162 Words. 

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