.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15 .+.

69 2 0

TW// Mentions of abuse(?)


Madeleine held my hand tightly. I could feel him tensing up. "You're a liar." I widened my eyes and slapped a hand over my mouth.

Why'd I say that out loud?! I'm stupid, I didn't mean to-The man who was known as Madeleine's father slowly approached me. "What did you say?" He said in a harsh tone that made Madeleine flinch a little.

"I said what I said. Would you like me to yell it out for you? YOU'RE A LIAR." He yanked me towards him by the collar of my shirt and stared directly into my eyes. "If I were you, I wouldn't have said that." He threatened me and smiled.

I glared back at him and smiled. "I don't regret a single word. I'm only saying the truth after all." I could hear Madeleine drop to the floor. "...E-Espresso.. Please don't-" Madeleine's father threw me across the floor. I landed next to Madeleine, who seemed like he was about to cry.

I've never seen him like this before... The man who was cruel and wicked kicked at Madeleine. "You. You're an absolute disgrace." Madeleine's eyes widened and he started to cry. "I-I.. I'm sorry.. I-"

I held him in my arms as he cried. His father kicked him again but harder. "I didn't raise you to be gay. You're just a stupid little disgrace. You're not-"

That was when I had enough. I shot 5 coffee beans at him using my magic. It was amusing to see that it burned him a little. "Shut up, you homophobic bitch! You're supposed to be supportive of your own son, but instead you're a fucking asshole. If you hate him so much, shut the fuck up and leave him alone. You don't need to harm him more, you've already done enough."

"Watch your mouth, son of a bitch." He walked towards me but then Madeleine stopped him. He let out choked sobs. "I- I'm sorry, father..! Don't.. Don't hurt Espresso.. Please.. I- I- H.. Hurt me instead!" After hearing those words, I immediately looked at Madeleine with wide eyes.

What...? "Madeleine! What are you-" His father smirked and grabbed Madeleine. I glanced over at Latte but she was gone. Goddamnit Latte! Where did you go?! His father wrapped an arm against Madeleine's neck and flipped out a pocket knife, placing it up to his son's neck.

"What do you have to say for yourself, huh? I told you to watch your mouth." The blade was right on Madeleine's skin. Madeleine stared at me with tears streaming down his face and then smiled. "I- I love y...you Espresso," He managed to say.

Madeleine winced as his father ran the blade across his neck, about to cut it but then the door slammed open. "EVERYONE FREEZE WHERE YOU ARE! I have been informed there was an assault happening."

I peeked over at the door and saw Latte standing there with a middle aged man wearing a beige coat over his shoulders. He wore striped pants and a white shirt with a strap over his shoulders. He pulled out a badge from his coat.

 "Detective Almond Cookie, Parfaedia Police Department." Latte smiled at me as I noticed Madeleine's mother and younger sister was with them as well. Madeleine's father dropped Madeleine and his pocket knife, making the paladin flinch as it hit the ground.

He put his hands in the air and slowly turned around to face Almond. Madeleine crawled back to me and hugged me tightly. "You, sir. I'm gonna need you to come with me." Almond pulled out his handcuffs and took Madeleine's father away.

As he was being escorted out, he yelled, "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! ILL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER BREATHE AGAIN!" Latte pointed the middle finger at him and slammed the door. Cream Puff ran over to Madeleine.

"Big bro!! Are you okay?" She hugged Madeleine and glanced at me. "My son, are you alright? Did he hurt you anywhere?" Madeleine's mother crouched down next to him and began looking around for any wounds.

Latte walked up to me, giving me a smug look and crossing her arms. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Alright, alright... Thank you, Latte. You finally did something useful for once." Latte playfully hit me on the head. "But really, I owe you one."

"That man had the nerves to return to this kingdom and do this to my son." She took Madeleine into her own arms and hugged him. "Thank you, dear, for taking care of him. You are...?"

I looked at her and then at Madeleine. "Espresso." I said. She smiled at me and Cream Puff ran up to me.

"Professor!! Why are you so nice to Madeleine? Do you like himmmm?~" She said in a mocking tone. I crossed me arms and looked at her with a stern look, trying my best to hide my blush. "Now, now, Cream Puff, don't jump for conclusions." I let out a small laugh and patted her head.

Madeleine sniffled and wiped his eyes. He seemed to have finally calmed down. "Sorry, E- Espresso.. I didn't mean for that to happen in front of you like that."

"It's alright, Maddie, I-" He cut me off by suddenly nuzzling my nose. I immediately heated up, my cheeks glowing red. Cream Puff gasped and started squealing.

"I knew it!! They do like each other!" She bounced around happily as Latte tried to calm her down. Madeleine gave me a warm smile and kissed my cheek. "I love you, Essie~" He whispered into my ear.

I felt like I was burning. I covered my face with my hands as Madeleine chuckled. Madeleine's mother smiled and stood up to get Cream Puff. "Alright, Madeleine. Me and your sister will be heading back home. Have fun with Espresso!"

She waved at us and left. Latte looked at me and smirked. "You hear that, Ess? I guess I have to leave as well.." She shrugged and walked towards the doorway.

"Have fun you two."


haha fuck you Madeleine's father
btw i have no intentions on writing smut.

1018 Words. 

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