.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 20 .+.

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I peaked over from behind the desk and saw a tired Madeleine standing in the doorway.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "Is something troubling you, my dear?" ...'My dear'? I felt small butterflies in my stomach. "No no, everything is perfectly fine."

"I could ask you the same thing." He walked over to me and kneeled down next to me. I looked away from him. "I've been awake ever since you told me about your little nightmare. Why are you up?" I turned my head back towards Madeleine.

"Well... I... I woke up after you got off the bed. I just had a random feeling that you had left." I blushed lightly and slightly turned my head to the side. Madeleine gently placed his hand below my chin and turned my head so that I was looking directly at him.

"Are you sure you're alright? Do you need to talk about anything?" He moved his hand to my cheek, cupping my face. He gently rubbed his thumb back and forth, causing the butterflies in my stomach to grow.

I hate how he knows when I'm not okay... It's so.. annoying yet... comforting. I sighed. I hate you, Maddie. I really do. You make me feel things I shouldn't. "I... I'm fine. I was just... thinking of my childhood." I said, in a quiet but audible voice.

 "Is there something you'd like to talk about?" He pulled his hand away from my face. I looked at him and shook my head.

"I'm fine, Madeleine. I just remembered something about my past when you told me about your dream, nothing else." He looked at me, his eyes showing a huge amount of concern and worry.

"Alright then.. If you says so. Would you like to go back to bed?" I looked over at the clock. It was only 3 am in the morning. I shook my head and stood up.

"I appreciate the offer, but I must refuse. My research isn't going to do itself you know." He looked away from me, a red-ish hue appearing on his face. He mumbled something and stood up as well.

"Alright then, if you say so... Just make sure you get more sleep tonight, okay?" He gently kissed my forehead and walked out of my lab.

I blinked and then walked to my lab desk, picking up all my papers and files. I set them onto my study desk in a neat stack and went back to my lab desk, opening my notebook and finishing the equation I was writing earlier, until Madeleine had decided to pick me up, of course.

An hour of working had passed and it was now 4 am. I set down my beaker and slid my test tube back into its holder. I walked out of my lab, seeing the blonde sleeping peacefully in my bed.

Damnit.. How does he still manage to look so hot when he's sleeping? ....what am I even saying?! I walked out into the kitchen and brewed some coffee.

I poured the coffee into a cup that had a small coffee bean on the front of it. I brought the cup back to the lab with me, taking a sip.

Another hour had passed, making it now 5 am. Madeleine peaked into my lab. "Espresso?" I turned my head towards him. "Yes? Do you need something?"

Madeleine walked towards me. "I'm going to be heading off to training now, alright? I'll be back soon!" I nodded. He kissed me and waved as he walked out. "Bye, Essie! I love you!"

"I love you too!" I responded almost immediately. I heard the front door shut and it went completely silent after that.

I wasn't complaining though. I had always liked it when it was quiet. It was comforting to me. No one was making fun of my glasses or how weird my hair looked. Nobody tried to hurt me or yelled at me. It was just silence.

...But I felt like I was missing something. As soon as Madeleine left, I felt empty. I already missed Madeleine so much. I just wanted him to hold me in his arms right at this moment. What are you thinking, Espresso?! Have you lost your mind?

...No.. I'm just in love. I loved feeling his warmth around me. I just didn't want to admit it. Instead of continuing working, I put my head on the desk and groaned.

Why do you make me feel the way I do? This is such a funny feeling...

I picked up my head and walked towards a cabinet. I opened it and took out a fresh journal along with a pen. I opened it and wrote down a few things.

I hate Butter Madeleine so much. He makes me feel mixed emotions and feel like there's butterflies in the stomach. His warmth is the best feeling I've ever experienced. I kind of miss him whenever he leaves me alone. It's like I just want him to stay with me forever. I guess this is what love does to people, huh? I thought I would never fall in love again, but yet here I am, falling for a blonde himbo. If you're reading this, Madeleine, then I hate you so much for making me love you.

I gently closed the journal and stuffed it into my desk drawer, hoping nobody would find it.

I sighed and went back to work. I took my test tubes out of its holder and poured one of them into the other. It fizzled a little, creating a small reaction as it did so. For the next few hours, I mixed substances, writing down notes straight after while drinking endless amounts of caffeine.

It was now 2 pm. I heard the front door click open. I set down my lab equipment and rushed out to the door. As soon as I made it out into the hallway, I spotted Madeleine taking off his armor.

My, my..



1003 Words. 

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