.+. ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 24 .+.

59 1 4

.+. LATTE'S POV .+.

I just had finished sorting all of my paperwork into a file cabinet and decided to go get something from the café. I wanted to ask Espresso if he had wanted to tag along, since I knew he would've probably liked some coffee right now.

I took out my phone and dialed in his number. The phone rang for a little bit until it beeped, meaning he didn't pick up his phone. Ugh, this workaholic idiot. Why don't you ever answer your calls?

I decided to text him since he wouldn't pick up his calls.

< coffee addict


hey ess

i was wondering if u'd like to go to the cafe w me?


ess plz answer

espresso im worried where r u

Today at 12:47 pm

Espresso wasn't answering my texts either. I decided to go over to his house and check up on him.

I approached his door and knocked on it, knowing that if Espresso was in there, he'd probably hear me. Nothing happened. I didn't hear his usual footsteps or anything.

I took out the keys from my small purse and unlocked the door, immediately slamming it open afterwards. "ESPRESSO!! ESPRESSO?!" I called out.

No response. He didn't come out of his room. I didn't hear any doors open either. "...Espresso?"

I began getting more worried as he didn't react to any of my calls or anything. I dashed into his lab, hoping he'd be there. It all looked the same. Everything was neatly put away, all organized. Aside from the spillage of a white substance on the table, it was cleaned up as well.

Maybe he's with Madeleine.. They're probably hanging out somewhere! I'll just call him to make sure. I called Madeleine on my phone but he didn't answer either.

That's weird... Madeleine usually answers right away.. I called him 3 more times, but he still didn't pick up. I began pacing nervously around the room. Where could you two be?!




I searched around my pockets for my phone but I couldn't find it anywhere. I could've sworn I had it with me! I sighed in frustration as I gave up on searching.

"Is something troubling you?" Madeleine asked from the corner of the cage. "I can't find my phone. I swear I had it with me. I remember having it after I left Latte's house. Do you have yours? Maybe we could call someone for help." I replied.

Madeleine shook his head. "They took my phone so I wouldn't be able to do that." I groaned and walked back over to Madeleine.

As soon as I leaned my head onto his shoulder, I felt extremely sleepy. I yawned and closed my eyes. "I need coffee..." Madeleine chuckled and kissed my forehead. "You need sleep."

I honestly didn't want to sleep at all, but not too long after, I drifted off to sleep, laying on the paladin's shoulder.


.+. LATTE'S POV .+.


Since there wasn't much I could do, I thought I could go over to Almond's house, hoping he'd be able to help. I rushed over to his door and knocked three times.

"Who is it?" A familiar voice said behind the door. "It's Latte!" I replied back. The door opened slightly and a small girl with orangish hair tied in a side pony tail peeked out.

As soon as she saw me, her face lit up. "Auntie Latte!" She immediately swung the door wide open and jumped onto me, giving me a big hug. "It's great to see you again, Walnut!"

I set her down and pat her head. "Is your dad home?" She nodded her head and took me inside. "Dad!! Latte came over looking for you!"

A few minutes later, Almond came downstairs with a cup of coffee in his hands. "Hello, Latte, what brings you here?" He greeted me. Walnut ran to her room and closed the door.

"Almond! Heyy.. I need your help! My brother and his boyfriend disappeared out of nowhere!" I felt like I was on the verge of tears. What if he attempted to do it again?

"I tried calling the both of them but they didn't pick up. I even searched Espresso's house but nothing! I'm afraid something's happened to them! I assume this because Madeleine always answers his phone, he never leaves anyone unattended! Please, Almond, you gotta help me!"

I shook Almond by his shoulders as I finished rambling on about them. I was breathing in and out quite rapidly. "Alright, alright, first, you need to calm down. Take deep breaths in and out."

I did as he said and felt myself to be more relaxed. I let go of his shoulders and he patted my back. "As the detective of this kingdom, I'll make it my mission to find them."

Suddenly, Walnut burst out of her room and ran straight up to Almond. "Dad! Dad! Can I come too? I'm a great detective!" She held up her magnifying glass to her eye and smiled.

Almond shook his head. "No, Walnut, you cannot. This job is for the grown ups. You can come with me on my next job." Walnut let out a small disappointed whine and walked back to her room.

"Let me go get my coat and I'll begin the investigation." He went upstairs for a few minutes and then come back down with his coat over his shoulders.

We walked out of his house as Almond locked the door. "We should probably check where they were last seen first, don't you think?" I nodded.

"I last saw them about a day ago. They were over at my house with Raspberry, Herb, Sparkling, and Vampire." Almond nodded and began to head towards my house. I followed him, hoping that we might be able to find something that could lead to where they were.


Latte isn't Walnut's aunt, Walnut is just very close to Latte and decided to call her auntie. More Espresso backstory tmr??
+be ready for the end of this book :]
(Might be writing another Espresseleine fanfic after this)

976 Words. 

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