Chapter 1

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"Champ.. come on, we're gonna be late! This is your first day of school, you don't want to be late, right??" I yelled to my six years old son. His name is Dew but I always call him Champ since he was born. He is a smart  boy and always curious about everything that catch his eyes. I love him better than myself. He is my moon, my sun, my star, my world, my everything. My name is Fourth, twenty seven years old . I lived with my only son for 3 years now.

"I'm coming Pop.." he answered while opening his bedroom's door and run to the kitchen. His beautiful face that always made my days looks so cheerful today.

"Don't run! Be careful okay.."  I said from the kitchen. We live in a small house with two bedroom  in the suburban area, not too crowded and have a good environment especially for the kids. This is the most suitable place for us to live, because the rent fee is more affordable than if we live in the city center. Before I live here, I live with my mom that own a bakery shop nearby. But since she remarry  3 years ago, I decided to move out and live with my son in this house. When I have to go to work, I take my son to my mom and take him back  to our house when I finished my work.  This routines, I always did for 3 years now.

"Yeay..pancake!!" Dew said excitedly in the dining table. 

"Eat slowly Champ or you will get chocked." I warned him as smile always appeared in his face whenever I make pancake even with just a simple syrup. 

After we all done for our breakfast, we started get ready to go. Fortunately the school is not too far from our house. We go there with my motorbike, and in no time we arrived at the school. I take Dew to his class and meet with his new teacher.

"Good morning Miss Jenny." I said to Dew's teacher. I knew her name from the orientation for new student.

"Good morning, Mr. Jirochtikul." Miss Jenny said with a little bow to me. "Good morning to you too" She said to my son with wide smile.

"Champ, greeting please.." I looked at my son  encourage him to move closer. Usually he never this silent,  maybe this is the first time in new environment. He got a little shy. 

"Good m-morning Miss" Dew greeted back shyly.  I smiled at him, "Then, I take my leave now Miss, if anything happen, don't hesitate to call me." I said to Miss Jenny. 

"Don't worry Sir, your son is in good hands." Assured Miss Jenny cheerfully.

"Ok Champ, Pop has to work now, Grandma will pick you up later okay, Be a good boy, baby." I kissed his cheeks . He smiled and kissed me back. "Bye bye Pop, I love you" he said with sign hand.  His gesture always make my heart skipped a bit every time he did that. Love sign with hand. I sighed and did the same to him, I raise my hand  and did the sign to say I love you too.

I jump on my bike and go to my office. In 20 minute drive, I arrived in my office. I work in small company that I build with my friends from college.  There are 4 of us. Phuwin, Pond, and Dunk. We were close since college and have the same dream to have our own company. We are kind of people who doesn't like to get order by everyone.

Phuwin and me are the brain in this company, we make apps for many company in the last 2 years. Dunk is the Marketing Relation, he make a lot of deal with good amounts. And Pond is a Legal Advisor, he  make and reviews all the contract that we sign with our clients.

"Morning.. " I greeted Pond and Phuwin who are eating their breakfast. They just nods their heads.

"Morning Fourth, how is Dew first day? " Phuwin asked after he swallow his sandwich.

"He is kind of shy, but excited I guess.. " I smiled at them while recalled my son's face. "I hope he is doing well there. "

"Off course he will, he has a confident side just like his Pop." Pond said while tap my shoulder.

"Eeee.. You right. Diiaw.. Where is Dunk?" I asked them.

"He has a meeting at Bangkok Hospital, did you forget? " Phuwin said while typing something in his Laptop.

"Oh I forget the meeting is today. Pond can you check again the contract with Bangkok Hospital, if Dunk get the deal I'll go with him to sign that."

" Ok Khrap.."

After lunchtime Dunk came back, and told us that we got the deal. So tomorrow  we will go there to sign the contract.


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