Chapter 23

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Author POV

"Gem.. Where are we going now? Why did we dressed up like this?" Fourth was confused, Gemini said that they'd have dinner with family and friends, just a casual dinner. But... Wearing a suit was too much for casual dinner?

"You'll know later baby, trust me ok," Gemini said.

"Yes Pop, Daddy said you'll like it." Dew added.

"Why did you always team up with your dad now hmm?" Fourth said, he thought that they were suspicious.

Gemini and Dew just laughed at him. Actually Gemini already planned to propose Fourth tonight. Joong and Dunk was already there preparing everything.

They arrived at the restaurant half an hour later. When they get there, the waiter lead them to their table, and Fourth scanned the others who already there. Joong and Dunk, the newly wedds couple Pond and Phuwin, his mom and Lung Sing even Mark and Prim were already there.

"Here they come,, what took you so long huh? We're starving here.. " Pond whined and as usual earned a smack from his husband. They all laughed.

"Blame him, he changed clothes three times. And he told me to match him too. Even I had to take a pee three times waiting for him! Ugh.. " Fourth rambling.

"Babe.. I told you we'll have a special dinner, so we had to look special.." Gemini counter back.

"No.. You said it was just a casual dinner! What on earth wearing this kind of clothes for casual dinner huh??" Fourth snapped at him.

Gemini could only smile sheepishly and mouthed 'mood swings' to them. The all laughed again.

"Enough you two.." Jam smiled at his sons.

"Pop always yelled at Daddy today.." Dew said.

"He won't after this, Champ.. Trust me!" Pond said to him and earning a glare from Fourth.

Everyone laughed again and Fourth just pouted cutely. Gemini couldn't help to kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm late.."

"Por.. You're not.. We also just arrived." Gemini said.

Everyone welcome him. Gemini introduced his father to Mae Jam and Lung Sing. This was their first meeting. Kit was so happy finally he could meet Fourth's parents.

They eat their dinner cheerfully. No one asked about Sarocha there. Even Fourth didn't pouted again.

Dunk then give the signal to the waiter. And suddenly the lights was off. Fourth automatically tried to hold Gemini's hand but he couldn't feel Gemini there. And suddenly there was a spotlight at him and when he turned his head, he saw Gemini was on his knees showing the ring to him.

Fourth gasped. "Gem... "

"Fourth baby, my love, my sunshines, my sunflower.. We've been through a lot.. And I can say that You've been through a lot. We've been played by something stupid. But fate prove it that we're belong to each other. I might lost many moments with you before.. And I'm sorry for that. But I'm more than willing to create many moments ahead with you, Dew and our future kids. I love you Fourth..I love you so much.. Will you let me be the happiest man in this universe and marry me?"

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