Chapter 10

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It's a long chapter ahead..


Fourth arrived at the location that Sarocha sent him. It was a cafe not far away from his college.

Fourth entered the cafe and search for Gemini's mom. And there she is, sitting at the window side. He approached her slowly. His steps felt so heavy.

"Swadee khap Aunty," Fourth Wai to her.

"Swadee.. Please sit down Fourth," Sarocha gestured him to sit. "Just order anything okay."

"I'm fine Aunty, thank you. Umm what do you want to talk?" Fourth asked politely.

"Actually, I wanna give you this.." Sarocha gave him an envelope.

"What is it?" Fourth confused.

"Just open it, you'll know," She stared at Fourth without blinking.

Fourth felt hesitant to open it, he looked at Sarocha and finally he open it.

Some photos....of.... Gemini.... And.... Prim...

What was that???

"What is it Aunty?"


"Um.. What does this mean??" Fourth's heart beat fast.

Sarocha leaned her body to Fourth.

"I thought you clever on this Fourth.. Just look at it.. They both look good together right?"

"...... " Fourth jus kept silent.

"Gemini is my only son, my pride. You are an only child too right? You must be want to always make your mom happy and proud of you..?" Sarocha stared deeply.

"...... " Fourth couldn't said anything. He really scared of what will happen next.

" As I said, Gem is my pride. Since he was a kid, I always want ONLY the best for him. That include finding a partner. I don't care if he is gay or straight. I just want THE BEST for him.! You know what I mean right?"

Fourth tried hard to hold his tears.

"And Prim... Is THE BEST choice for Gemini."

A tear slipped from his eyes. Fourth looked at some photos in front of him. There were some picture of Gem and Prim laughed together at the balcony of his parents house, at the kitchen, when they watched tv and some when they in Gemini's car. It seems those were the candid photos. They seems really happy.

Gemini haven't told him that he stay at his parents house this past week. His insecurities eating him up right now. He has to comfirmed this to Gemini soon.

"I know that I'm not the one that you want for Gemini, but I'm sure I'm the one that he wants!" Fourth dared to look back to her. He had to be strong on this. He was sure that Gemini's love only for him. " Is there anything else you want to talk? If not, I'll excuse myself." Fourth didn't wait for Sarocha's answer he just stood up and left the cafe.

"We'll see.."

Fourth felt like collapsing. He felt dizzy. When he waited for a cab, he saw a familiar car that just entered the parking lot. He moved aside so he can hide. And like a litghtning strike in the middle of the day, he saw Gemini and Prim get out of that car and entered the cafe. He can see very clearly from his spot. Gemini put his hand at Prim's back when they entered.

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