Chapter 8

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Mrs. Praew heard everything, she felt sorry for Gemini. Since childhood, he was always controlled by his mother, he was forced to do various activity that he didn't really like. He was an obidient child, he always thought of his parents proud first then his happiness.

His mother was the ruler of his life. What about his father? Mr. Kit was a famous Surgeon in Thailand, he always had a tight schedule so he let his wife to took care of his son hin her way. It was not that he didn't care, but he trusted his wife. He loved Gemini so much. He saw that Gemini was always be the best in whatever he did, that's enough to think that his wife was doing well.

Mrs. Praew sighed, she really sad. She loved Gemini like her own son. Practically she was the one who raised him since his parent was busy with their work.


Gemini rushed to go out of the house fuming. His face was so red.

"Gem... Wait son.. " Mrs. Praew chased him to the door. Gemini stopped walking and turned to her.

"I'm going, Nana.."

Mrs. Praew held his shoulder and smiled.  "Do whatever you feel right Gem, this is your life."

"Why do i feel that you are more like a mother to me? You can understand me, while Mae-"

"However she is, she is still your Mother na.. Give her time." She hugged Gemini. "I want to meet your boyfriend one day."

"Of course.. I get to go now.." Gemini smiled at her then left the house.


Gemini stopped the car in front of a house. He reached for his phone then dialled Fourth's number.

One ring, Fourth picked up the call. [Baby.. Hey..] he said with raspy voice.

"Can I come? "


"I'm outside, can I sleep with you tonight? "
[What happen Gem?] Fourth heard his boyfriend voice shaking.

"I want to cuddle.. Please"

[Okay wait there na.. I'll open the door]

Fourth opened the door and let Gemini come inside. It was almost midnight, her mother was already sleeping. So they walked slowly to Fourth's bedroom.

Gemini was about to settle himself in the bed."No no no.. Go freshen up first, then you can sleep okay.." The warm of Fourth voice and gesture made Gemini calm.

"Yess sir.. " He took the towel and sneaked a kiss to Fourth's lips.

Fourth chuckled at his boyfriend.

After freshened up, Gemini snuggled himself to Fourth. He inhaled Fourth body scent, he was addicted to it.

"What happened? I thought you will stay the night at your parent's, you met them right? " Fourth asked and patted Gemini's head. He sensed the sadness in Gem's face.

"Hmmm...nothing.. I just want to cuddle you. I miss you.." This time Gemini kissed his neck.

"Naahh.. Just cuddle okay, no funny business here Sir. Mae is downstair sleeping."

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