Chapter 3

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Yesterday was not so hectic, after work I go straight to my mom's house to take Dew back to our house. On the ride home, Dew told me that he got so many new friends at school. I guest he can adapted well in his school. I really proud of him despite he only had me as parent. Yes, I'm a single father and I'm proud of it. I can raised him well to be an independent and smart boy.

Today, me and Dunk will go to Bangkok Hospital to sign the deal about the apps. After I dropped Dew at school, I directly go to my office to meet Dunk. We will go there by Dunk's car.

It took thirty minutes to reach there by car. Dunk was driving while I read the contract that Pond made in the passenger seat. We arrived there around 8.45 am. After Dunk parked the car, we go straight inside the building.

"Swadee khap, I am Dunk Natachai, I have an appointment with Mr. Kit Thanawat at 9.00 am." Dunk told the receptionist at the front.

"Swadee kha, may you please wait a moment." replied the receptionist. We nodded and wait at the side.

After a few minutes the receptionist told us that we were awaited at the meeting room at the 3rd floor. We thanked her and took the elevator.

After we arrived, we were guided by a man named Mark to the meeting room. As we enter the room, a middle aged man was already in there. Maybe this is Mr. Kit that Dunk mentioned. I never met our client before the signing day, only Dunk or Pond sometimes that met them before.

"Swadee Khap Mr Kit." Dunk greeted that man. So I was right he is Mr. Kit Thanawat.

"Swadee Khun Dunk, please have seats you both." Mr. Kit gestured his hand to us to sit in front of him.

"This is Fourth Nattawat, our web designer and developer for this apps." Dunk introduced me. So I wai (Kind of polite gesture in Thailand like joining our hands in front of chest) to Mr. Kit.

"So as we agreed yesterday about the model and design that we presented, we came to term to signing our deal in this contract." Dunk gave the cobtract to Mr. Kit. "Please read it thoroughly per point Sir, if there is something that you want to add or revise don't hesitate to tell us."

"Very well, but can you both wait minute until my son comes, he has to read it too. He has too understand something like this as he will replace me one day." Mr. kit said then took his phone to call maybe his son.

But before he dialed the number, someone knocked the door. Mark stood and opened the door. I heard footsteps near me an then I heard the voice that long time I didn't heard. I was froze in my seat, unable to look.

"Good morning, Por. Sorry I'm late, the traffic here is no kidding." said that man with polite voice.

"It's okay Son, we haven't been too long. Just sit down okay, " Mr. Kit said with smiled on his face.

"So gentleman, this is my son Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak, he is a doctor here too. and soon to be the CEO," Mr. Kit winked at him.

When I looked at him, our eyes met, and that longing feeling that I buried deep down my heart felt like to burst. His eyes widen just like me, I can't hear anything, it's like all the air was sucked into my ears. Until Dunk shook my shoulder and I realized that all eyes are on me.

"Ai Fourth, Mr. Kit is talking to you." he whispered in may ears.

"I-i'm sorry Sir, I wasn't pay attention to you." I bowed my head apologized.

I saw Mr. Kit smiled at me and then said "We just discuss the probability that you will work in here for the next two months, considering this project is very important to our Hospital."

Whattt??? I was too stunned to speak right now.

"Ahmmm...why do I have to work from here Sir,? I can work at my office." finally I found my voice. Everybody was silent at first, and then Mr. Kit was about to speak but his Son speak first.

"It is for efficiency and shorten the time, if you work from here, you can just try the trial or install the apps at our software. We need it fast for the patient's convenience." he looked straight to my eyes, his voiced was so strict and cold. Just like the last day I saw him back then.

Dunk looked as confused as me.

"Can I discuss it first with my team, Sir? I'll let you know soon." I said to him.

"How soon?" His eyes still penetrated to me like I am his prey. "Me and my father are agree with the term you make. If you agree to my suggestion now, then we just close the deal right here right now!" His voice was so firm as if I can hear anger from him.

I looked at Dunk, he nodded. I saw Mr. Kit smiled at me and assured me that this is a good idea. I looked at him one more time and I sighed "Okay fine, since I responsible for this project, I agree. When will we start?"


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