Chapter 2

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"Scalpel." I said to the nurse beside me. This is the most thrilled moment when I perform this kind of  surgery. I have to do a clean cut to the chest without blood appearing. I sighed as I transfered the heart successfully, but it ends afterwards when the blood start clotting and all of them got alarmed.

"Doc! The heart rate starting to drop off!" One of the nurses said who is now panicking on what might happened.

"Start reciting his heart rate now." I said to Joong who is now do what I ordered.

"Clip this area and suctions right now!" The nurses then sucked the blood off so that the patient is not gonna drown on His own blood. 

The surgery continue until almost an hour. The patient is stable now. 

"Good job, Doc." The nurse said to me. I did this. I sighed as I relieved that this  surgery is successful. I'm really tired right now. This is the second surgery that I perform in a day. I really need a rest. 

After I clean my hands, I go straight to my cabin and sit on the coach as I closed my eyes. I want to rest a bit but the buzz from my phone disturbing me. I take my phone, I see that my father calling me. 

"Swadee khab, Por." I said lazily while I close my eyes again. I was really tired as hell.

[Swadee Gem, did you finish your surgery?"] My father said.

"Khab Por, just half an hour ago.  Why do you call?" I asked.

[I want to remind you about the meeting with Champ Digital tomorrow morning. You will come with me to the meeting. Do you want me to pick you up?"] 

I just remember about the meeting. Actually I want to take a leave tomorrow so that I can rest comfortably at my apartment. "No need Por, I'll go there by myself. Let us meet there, okay?"

["Okay then, See you tomorrow, Son."] My father hanged up the call.

I closed my eyes again as I leaned my head. When I was in high school, sometimes I didn't understand  why my parents wanted me  to become a doctor. I used to dream to be a musicians, guitarist to be specific. But with my family background, my parents didn't allowed me. From my childhood I was always directed to study hard so that I can be a doctor like my father. I'm an only child, so that my parents wanted me to continue their path as I will be the heir of this Hospital. 

Until I met someone that changed my mind. Before I met him, I really didn't know why I should be a doctor. All I knew was my parents wanted me to be. But after I helped him out and took care of his mom when she was sick, I realized that being a doctor can be good too.  I  could take care of someone I love. 

He was very supportive to me and always be by my side in every situation I had. He always had the positive vibes with him. 

"Damn.." I sighed as I sit straight, whenever I rest and alone, my mind always traveled to him. It's been seven years, why can't I forget him. I rub my face and started gathering my things to my bag. I really wanna go home now. 

As I was about to open the door, my friend Joong came in. "Hey Meung, going home already?" He said from the door. Joong was my partner in every Surgery as an anesthesia doctor.

"Yeah, I'm really tired now. You still have work?" I asked him.

"Nope, I'll meet my boyfriend now. Dinner." Joong said . "Then.. jI'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh by the way, I have a meeting tomorrow morning with my father about the apps that we will install here. Can you cover me up if there is an emergency patient tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Sure, no problem. I'll go now, bye meung." He waved his hand and left. 

"Bye." I waved back. 

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