Chapter 24

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After that day, Dew was really spoiled by his grand parents especially Sarocha. Sometimes, Gemini, Fourth and Dew stayed the night at Gem's parents house at weekend.

For their wedding, Sarocha and Jam were getting along well. And became so close in no time. Gemini saw his mom changed. She even introduced Fourth as her son-in-law to her group friends. Sarocha adored Fourth so much now. She realized that Fourth wasn't that kind of man she was thought before.

Fourth was on four months pregnant now. His nausea was reduced, but his mood swing was getting worse. Sometimes he could cry with no reason and yelled at Gemini all the time. One night, Gemini had awoke with an empty bed beside him. He searched for Fourth and found him crying in the kitchen. When he asked what happened, Fourth said he didn't find his strawberry ice cream in the fridge. Gemini sighed, he remember that Fourth already ate all his ice cream after dinner. But he still cried and demand Gemini to buy him some that night. Gemini then went to the nearest seven eleven that open 24 hours. But after he got home, he found Fourth was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

And another day, Fourth mad at Gemini because he said that Fourth's cheek was chubbier now. He even didn't let Gemini sleep in their bedroom. So Gemini slept with Dew in his bedroom. But Gemini enjoyed this so much. He could felt the excitement for having a pregnant spouse. He would never complain, and he wouldn't trade this to anything.

Their wedding preparation was going well, and next week was the day. Fourth belly was showing but he insisted to still wear a suit. Sarocha and Jam just sighed, they couldn't do anything if Fourth like this. Kit and Lung Sing just smiled seeing them, and Gemini just grinned like a fool watching his soon to be husband pouting cutely. He would do everything for Fourth.


Today was Fourth and Gemini wedding day. Since a week ago, Gemini didn't stayed at Fourth's house. He stayed at his parents's. Both their parents forbid them to live together before the wedding. At first Gemini complained about this, he didn't want to live apart from Fourth. But Fourth, he really enjoyed this. He said he will be free from the clingy Gemini for a week. Gemini just pouted hearing him.

But in fact, it was only one day and Fourth already crying, he wanted to meet Gemini and wanted to be hugged by him. Off course his mom didn't allowed him. So they just talking on the phone all night.

Since morning, both Gemini and Fourth were restless. They couldn't wait to marry soon. Kit and Sarocha had to calm Gemini. Gemini said why didn't he just eloped with Fourth before.

Fourth also couldn't sat his ass on. He walked back and forth in his bedroom. Jam had to scolded him time to time, she didn't want him to get tired already. Dew just laughed watching his father and grandma bickering.

"Pop.. Just sit down.. You will meet Daddy soon.. My brother there would get dizzy.." Dew said while pointing at Fourth belly.

Fourth sighed and finally he sat down.

Ding Dong

Both Fourth and Dew startled hearing the bell. Jam opened the door and found Pond and Phuwin there.

"Is Fourth ready Mae?" Phuwin asked.

"He is more than ready I guess,.. He couldn't put his ass down.!" Jam said and laughed.

Phuwin and Pond were laughing. Fourth and Dew got out of his bedroom. Phuwin saw that his friend was so nervous.

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