Chapter 22

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"Daddy... Pop... What took you so long?" Dew asked his parents when they arrived at his grandma's house. Jam stood beside him.

"Ooh we're sorry na.. There was something we needed to do, baby.." Fourth said. Gemini tried to hide his face because his eyes clearly looked swollen. But Dew could see it.

"Daddy.. Were you crying?" Dew asked Gemini. Gemini shook his head. He smiled. "Ehhmm your dad missed your grandma baby, she was far away from here."

Dew then approached Gemini and hugged his waist. Gemini squat in front of him and hugged him back. "Pop always hug me whenever I missed you, Dad.." Dew said. Hearing this, Gem's eyes started to teary again.

"Ahmm Champ.. Why don't you take your Dad and Pop inside?" Jam told Dew, she looked at Fourth as if asked what happen. Fourth then mouthed 'later' to her.

After they entered the house, they all sat at the living room, Dew showed her dad his sketchbook. He drew so many things and they were really good.

While Gemini accompanied Dew, Fourth told his mom what happened at Gemini's parent house. Jam was was beyond shocked. She couldn't believe that Gemini's mom can do something like that. She was angry at her.

"Gemini really mad at her, Mae. ButbI knew he was hurt.. Really hurt, it's break my heart Mae.." Fourth told Jam while looking at Gemini.

"He really loved you, Luk.. Mae can feel it. But his mom was so cruel. I can imagine how's his feeling now, always be by his side na.. He need you the most.. " Jam patted Fourth shoulder.

After they had dinner at Jam's house, they went back to Fourth's house. Actually Gemini always asked Fourth to moved in his condo, but Fourth still refused. He said that his house was nearer to Dew's school.

At dinner, Gemini apologized to Jam about his mother. He really ashamed. Jam told him that it wasn't his fault. Gemini was so relieved. He loved Fourth mom so much. He always wished that his mom could be like her.

Dew was asleep when they arrived home as usual. Fortunately, he already showered at Jam's house. Gemini took him to bed then he took a shower. When Fourth was about to go to his bedroom, he received a group call from his friend. Actually they wanted to discuss about their new project, but when they saw Fourth face was gloomy, they asked him what happened.

Fourth told them everything. They couldn't believe what they heard, especially Phuwin, he was so furious. In the middle of the call, Gemini came to Fourth in the living room, when he saw that Fourth was in a group call with his friends, he used this opportunity to apologized to them too. He knew how worried Phuwin and Pond back then. They took care of Fourth instead of him. And Gemini thanked them co much.

After the call, both of them retired to their bedroom. Fourth took a shower while Gemini was checking his schedule and called Joong to tell him what happened. They fell asleep after that.


Sarocha felt conflicted. She was mad that his son chose his boyfriend over her, his mom, but in the other hand she was hurt that Gemini asked her to forget him as his son. Her husband didn't want to talk to her anymore. He ignored her as id she didn't exist. He even didn't came home, he sleep in the hospital. Kit wanted to give a lesson to his wife. Even last for weeks, she still didn't want to admit it and apologized to both Gemini and Fourth.

Sarocha got a call from Prim's mom. She said that she had approved Prim's relationship with Mark. Because she didn't want to lose her only daughter. She even suggested Sarocha to opened up for Gemini and Fourth but she remains stubborn.

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