Chapter 13

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"You have a son?" He asked me curiously.


Mr. Kit just stared at me for a while. He looked confused and seems like he wanted to ask me so many question.

"How old are you Fourth?" He asked.

"27, Sir." I answered.

"You and Gemini have the same age, but you already has a son?" He said. "Uhmm don't get me wrong Fourth, I'm not judging you. I always wanted grandchildren though, but you know, Gemini really hard to convinced."

I just smiled relief that Mr. Kit didn't judging me cause of that.

"So you're married?"

My eyed widened, "No Sir, I'm a single father."

"Ohh sorry Fourth, and your-"

"My partner left me." I cut him. I wanted this conversation end by this.

Is that a pity looked in his eyes?? If I could, I wanted to scream that your son was the one who impregnated me.

"Well.. I'll be going home. It was nice talking to you and please don't feel uncomfortable with me Fourth, I don't know why but I feel like I was connected to you." He patted my shoulder.

I just nodded, I was afraid If I open my mouth, I would cry.

I went inside the house after Mr. Kit left. When I came inside, my mom asked me who was that take me home. I said that it was my boss that drove me home, Gemini's father.

My mom gasped and looked worried.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yes Mae, and...he saw Dew."

"What??? How??"

"Dew came outside when I arrived, he literally shouted 'Popp' and Mr. Kit saw him and asked who he was, so I said Dew is my son."


"Don't worry Mae, he didn't knew about Gemini was his other father."

My mom squeezed my shoulder and nodded.


I left the Hospital right after I talked to Fourth. My mind was messed up. I went to parking lot and drove my car. I didn't knew where I go, I just drove around the city with no particular destination.

It was already 6 pm. I didn't realized  that I drove for four hours.

Finally I stopped at Rama VIII Bridge. I stand on the side of the bridge. 'Like I forgot everything' that words always ringing in my head. So he moved on??? Why did I feel so hurt right now???

Gemm..composed yourself!! Wasn't it what you want??

I needed to talk to someone. I took. My phone and called Joong.

[Yoo Gem.. ]

"Where are you? Care to meet? " I asked Joong.

[I am at Sra Bua right now. Just come here okay. But I'm with my boyfriend now, is that ok?]

"Sure, I'll be there."

I drove to Sra Bua, and after half an hour I arrived there.

I searched for Joong, and when I spotted him I saw a familiar person that sit beside him.

Joong saw me and waves his hand to me. I walked to their table. When I sat down I realized that it was Dunk, Fourth's friend.

"So.. Your boyfriend is Dunk?" I asked Joong.

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