Chapter 12

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When I woke up, my head hurt so bad. It was because I cried too much last night. My eyes were swollen.

I saw my beautiful son was still sleeping beside me. It was like deja vu, he had the same position when he sleep like his Dad.  His face was the combination of us, but his personality was just like him.

I let him sleep a little bit more. I went to shower and get ready for work. Luckily I always keep my clothes here, in my parents house.

After I took a bath, I saw Dew was awake. He sat on the bed while rubbing his eyes. How come someone could be this cute when he wake up, huh?? I smiled at him.

"Hi champ, did you have a good sleep?" I asked my son.

"Yes Pop, when did you came home last night?" His voice still sound sleepy.

"Not too long after you sleep baby.." I kissed his head. "Now take a shower first, I'll ask Grandma what's for breakfast.." I winked to him.

"Pancake please..." Dew shouted while walking to the bathroom.

Ugghhh he never bored of Pancake. While me?? I was bored as hell.

I went to the kitchen to help my mom prepare breakfast. I saw Lung Sing in the living room reading a newspaper. I rarely see someone read newspaper nowdays except him.

"Morning Lung,, "

"Ah morning Fourth.. How are you now?"


Lung Sing smiled and continue to read the newspaper.

I knew my mom had told Lung Sing about me last night. He must be worried about me too. He knew all my past but he never judge me. I liked him, he never forced me to call him Dad or Por. He was happy when I called him Lung (uncle in Thai). He treated me more like a friend than a son and I knew he really loved my mom.

"Morning Mae.." I hugged my mom from behind.

"Morning Luk, how are you now?" The second person who asked me this.

"Better Mae, at least I can have couple hours sleep.. "

"If you are not comfortable to work there just  asked Phuwin to replace you there na.."

"I'm okay Mae, I have to be professional, I won't let him affected me!"

"Good.. Call your son, the breakfast are ready"

I nodded and went to my bedroom to call my son. When I entered our bedroom, I saw Dew was combing his hair.

"Wanna help??" I asked him.

"No Pop, I'm gonna style my hair." He said cutely. I chuckled. Sometimes, time goes really fast. I felt it was just yesterday that I gave birth to him.

As I recalled, my pregnancy was very difficult. In the first trimester, I had to have full bed rest. I continued my college with online class. My body was so weak back then. I even fainted sometimes and admitted to the Hospital.

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