Chapter 4

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This traffic was killing me. I stuck here for almost half an hour. This meeting was very important for the Hospital. We're going to sign the deal and this deal would bring the better progress for the future.

I arrived at Bangkok Hospital at 9.15 am. I was fifteen minutes late to the meeting. When I entered the building, suddenly my heart beat really fast. I stopped for a while, I hanged my hand on the wall. What is this?? What's with this feeling I felt. I felt a weird feeling, like when I was expecting something.

After a while, I continued to the meeting room at 3rd floor. As I was about to knock, that feeling came again, my heart beat fast again. After a minute, I decided to knock the door. Mark opened the door for me.

"Good morning, Por. Sorry I'm late. The traffic here is no kidding." I said to my father. Then my father told me that they haven't going too long discussing the matters. I scanned the room, there were two mans sitting in front of my father. And when my father introduced me to them. I was shocked, too stunned to speak. There's the man that always invaded my mind for the last seven years, still looked handsome yet so beautiful.

Our eyes met, the longing feeling that I kept appeared. But the scene that happened seven years ago flashed in my mind. The longing feeling was gone and anger invaded me. I felt so angry that I want to punch his face.

Why he seems didn't affected by my present, that anger me more. My father gave me the contract, I just glanced at that paper but my focus right now was him, but something catched my eyes. I saw his name written there to be the one who will handle this project. I instantly got the idea so that I could talk to him. I really wanted to know the answered about so many question that raged in my mind all these years. So I wishpered my idea to my father. My father just looked at me and than nodded as if he can read my mind.

When my father suggested the idea that he has to work from here, he was shocked. I can saw it in his eyes. I kept my eyes on him. When he asked why he has to work from here to my father, I beat my Father to answered him. I told him that for the the efficiency so that the project could finish faster for the sake of our patient's convenience.

He seems hesitated at first but agreed at last. He asked when will he should work from here, I said tomorrow. The sooner the better. I can confronted him. I wanted to know what was the reason behind what he did back then.


On the way back to my office, I stayed silent in the car. Dunk asked what happened to me multiple times. I just shook my head.

"I am okay, Dunk. Don't worry Na," I assured him.

"You're not seem to be okay Fourth. You look pale now." Dunk said concern.

"I'm okay. Trust me." I tapped his shoulder and smile.

Dunk stopped pestering me. My mind was messed right now. I wanted to cry so badly. This feeling really suffocated me.

At the office, I told Phuwin and Pond that I had to work in that hospital for two months. Based on the contract's term. They confused at first, I explained that it could be a good idea. They agreed. They helped me prepare everything that needed.

"All is done, I'm going home now. I need my beauty sleep for tomorrow." I smiled at them tried to convinced them. They let me go this time.

When I arrived home after I took Dew from my mom, Dew looked really tired and sleepy. I helped him take a bath and took him to bed.

"Good night Pop. I love you." he said kissed my cheek. I kissed him back. My tears that I tried not to come out since morning burst. I cried silently looking at my sleeping son. I felt so sorry for him. He's so innocent and pure. I cannot  provide him a complete family.

I went to my bedroom and I cried hard. All the memories about him in my life came like a hurricane. It felt like yesterday that I begged him. It was really hurt. Hurt so bad.


When Fourth came back from Bangkok Hospital, he looked pale and exhausted. There must be something bothering him. I knew him so well. We were best friend since diapers after all.

I asked Dunk what happen to him, but he just shrugged his shoulder. Dunk just told me that after the meeting, Fourth became silent.

"Guys, from tomorrow I will work my design for this project in that hospital." Fourth said weakly.

"Why so?? " I asked him confused.

Then he told us that the CEO of Bangkok Hospital suggested this idea in order to saved time and for efficiency.

I didn't mind though, I can managed here by myself, beside Pond will always help me. But what was the reason that made Fourth looked like that?

"Fourth.. " I wanted to ask again but..

"Later" He just started to gathering his things, we all came to help him prepare everything that needed. I knew he will tell me when he was ready.

When I arrived home, I called Fourth, I wanted to know what happen to him. I dialed his number. He didn't pick up my call at first. I dialed again. The third times, he picked up my call.

[...] Silent

"Fourth....hello Fourth..." Now I'm really worried.

"H-He is back.. He is back.." Fourth cried. I knew who he mean. There was only one person in this world that can made Fourth like that. I was shocked, I'm worried about Fourth.

"Fourth..breath..slowly okay, " I tried console him.

"I'm scared Phu..I'm scared...." He still cried so bad.

"Calm down Fourth, okay.. Should I come?" I really wanted to be there right now. I knew how hard and struggled Fourth's life. I witnessed what happen to him seven years ago.

"No need Phu..I'll be okay I promise."

"Where did you met him?" I can still heard Fourth sniff.

Then Fourth told me everything that happen in the meeting. I'm shocked. I'm more worried now as he will work with him.

How I wished time can be reversed now. How I wished I was the one who handle this project, not Fourth.

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